Student Senate

Zach Jacobson appointed UAC director and organized activity budget bill introduced


The Student Senate meeting began at 6:06 p.m. on Monday.

Director Sahana Suresh said the Academic Affairs commission is working with interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Louisa Rice to shorten the service-learning requirement to 15 hours instead of 30 hours. 

Suresh said the shortened requirement would be easier for students to complete, but would not go into effect until 2024 or later.

Director Ivan San said the Communications commission gave out four gallons of hot cocoa in 28 minutes during this week’s Motivation Monday

Motivation Mondays will return after fall break at 12:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 28 in front of Davies Student Center. San said the event will be co-hosted with the Student Office of Sustainability and students will have an opportunity to win SOS merchandise by bringing their own sustainable drink containers.

Finance commission Director Ben Johnson introduced bill 66-B-7 to adopt the 2023-2024 organized activity budget. Johnson said the proposed funding and anticipated lower enrollment would cause the segregated fee for 2024 to increase to $148, an 8% increase from the fee of $137 for 2023.

66-B-7 will be re-introduced and voted on at the next meeting.

President Rosselin Gaitán and Vice President Brett Farmer nominated Zach Jacobson to fill the University Activities commission directorship vacancy. The vacancy opened when Farmer resigned as the UAC director to become vice president at the previous meeting.

Jacobson, second-year social studies education student and UAC late-night activities committee co-chair, said his experience as a resident assistant, research and development leader for the campus ambassadors, campus photographer and within the commission has prepared him to be the UAC director.

After a presentation and question period, the senate went into a closed session to deliberate and then Jacobson was appointed UAC director.

“I’m excited to keep pushing forward what Brett has set up in the University Activities commission, and I want to make sure I am doing all I can to involve students more on campus and get more voices in when it comes to planning events,” Jacobson said.

Farmer said Jacobson interviewed very well and seemed ambitious about the position.

“He had a stellar interview,” Farmer said. “The goals he had, the way he talked about his experience and how he’s developed as a leader through his time in UAC and everything he’s done was really profound.”

Farmer said Jacobson succeeded as a co-chair and there was no doubt he would do the same as director.

“Every single time I’ve worked with him, it’s been nothing but great things. He’s very ambitious, organized and energetic,” Farmer said. “There’s not a doubt in my mind that he was the perfect candidate.”

Senator Matthew Lehner reminded LGBTQ students of resources available to them –– the Gender and Sexualities Resource Center and Counseling Services –– in the wake of the shooting at Club Q, a queer nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Lehner also said as a member of the LGBTQ community, he can help provide support for students.

“To anyone LGBTQ in senate and on campus: you are loved, you are welcome, you are accepted and you are included,” Lehner said.

Farmer said students should read the recent email sent by interim Dean of Students Gregory Heinselman and Counseling Services Director Riley McGrath about UW-Eau Claire’s new partnership with Mantra Health. Through this partnership, students can receive virtual therapy and mental health services.

Gaitán said Multicultural Student Services, Inter-Tribal Student Council and the American Indian Studies program will be hosting an informational, traditional feast from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 22 in Centennial room 1106 to dispel myths surrounding Thanksgiving while highlighting the twelve tribal nations of Wisconsin.

The senate adjourned at 7:06 p.m. and will reconvene at 6 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 28 in the Dakota Ballroom.

Kasper can be reached at [email protected].