Police Blotter

Campus police handles cases of monetary theft in McPhee

Taylor Reisdorf

More stories from Taylor Reisdorf

COVID-19 Statements
March 25, 2020

Photo by Submitted

The following information was obtained from UW-Eau Claire Police Department records.


Theft of $135 from Unattended Wallet

At 7:36 p.m on Jan. 31, a building manager at McPhee Strength and Performance Center notified the campus police that a student had just reported an incident of theft. An officer responded to the scene.

The male student told the officer he had arrived at Olson Gymnasium around 6:30 p.m to play basketball with a group of friends. Everyone had put their personal belongings at the west edge of the middle basketball court, he said.  

According to the report, the student told the officer he had set his wallet and cell phone inside the shoes he had worn to the building. He said he then covered them up with a sweatshirt.

The male student said that at about 7:30 p.m, he and his friends noticed a person going through their things. A few of the students approached the person, but the person took off running north towards the McPhee/Olson breezeway.

After checking his belongings, the male student said he noticed $135 cash missing from his wallet. Nothing else was missing, according to the report, and no one else in the group reported any stolen items.

The officer gave the student an Eau Claire County Victim Information Form and a business card with the case number on it. They later emailed the student a Loss/Damage Form and a Written Statement form to be completed by the victim.

The officer went and talked again to the McPhee building manager, who had told the officer upon their arrival about two additional reports of thefts reported on Jan. 30.


Similar Monetary Thefts

At 5:48 p.m on Feb. 1, a male student met with an officer at the campus police department to describe a theft that occurred on Jan. 30 at the same location, according to the report.

The student said he and a friend arrived to play basketball around 6:45 p.m on Tuesday, Jan. 30 at Olson Gymnasium in McPhee. The student said they played on the north court of the gymnasium.

According to the report, the students set their belongings near the west wall of the court. The student said his wallet was placed on top of his other things, unhidden. The student said he and his friend were there until around 8:30 p.m.

In that time, the student said he noticed someone sitting by he and his friend’s belongings. The subject left, but returned shortly after and remained by the west wall. The person didn’t seem to be there with anyone.

When the two males were done playing basketball and were preparing to leave the gymnasium, they realized money was missing from their wallets. One was missing around $65 in cash, while the other was missing $8.

Nothing else was taken, the student said.

The student who filed the complaint completed a Written Statement and a Loss/Damage Form. The officer explained a Victim Information Form and answered any questions the student had. The victim then left the police department.