Student Senate

Vice President Nick Johnson resigns


The Student Senate meeting began at 6:01 p.m. in the Woodland Theater.

President Rossellin Gaitan said UW-Eau Claire will be hosting events Nov. 7-11 to celebrate first-generation students.

“As a first-gen student, I’m very proud and excited to be at the events this week,” Gaitan said.

Equity in Student Matters Senate Director Maddie Blong said the commission met with Multicultural Student Services to discuss changes in accordance with the MSS dialogue from last week.

Blong said she also celebrated Día de los Muertos with the Latinx Student Association, watched Native American Darren Thomas’s flute and history presentation for Native American Heritage Month and attended the African dinner hosted by the African Student Association.

Finance Commission Director Ben Johnson said the commission will be hearing organized activity funding appeals from forensics, the Artist Series, WUEC Radio and The Spectator, as part of the segregated fees budget process. 

The finance commission will begin meeting with non-allocable organization leaders to discuss their budgets later this week, according to Ben Johnson.

Hannah Kelly, Intergovernmental Affairs commission director, encouraged students to vote in the Nov. 8 election and said the commission is considering sending out a post-election survey to gather information on why students decided to vote or not.

“A vote – it’s a blessing that we are able to exercise a right, project our voices to leaders and decision-makers to see change that we want to see happen,” Vice President Nick Johnson. “Don’t take it for granted, go vote.”

Gaitan said the campus has been doing a good job of bringing speakers in – like Bernie Sanders last week – to get students excited to vote.

Information Technologies Commission Director Joseph Dokken said the commission approved the removal of a general-use computer lab in the nursing building to be replaced with a faculty and student workspace.

Director Bradford Heap said the Student Organization Leaders Banquet went well and he is already looking forward to next year’s banquet. Heap also said the commission is planning a Blugold Connect+ workshop for student leaders to improve their pages on the site.

University Activities Commission Director Brett Farmer said there will be no commission events this week and encouraged students to attend the Gatsby’s Gala at 7 p.m. on Saturday in Davies Student Center.

Farmer said the commission is looking for a concerts co-chair and the application will be available on Blugold Connect+ until Nov. 18.

Nick Johnson resigned as vice president, and Senate Personnel Director Anakah Dension will be serving as interim vice president until a permanent person is found for the position.

Nick Johnson said he will be pursuing more academic opportunities – including an unpaid academic internship – and he needs to save money in order to graduate on time.

“Basically my options right now are stay in senate and get a part-time job, so that I can graduate on time, or quit senate and get a better paying job and pursue those academic opportunities,” Nick Johnson said. 

Gaitan thanked Nick Johnson for everything he has done for this organization.

Patrick Hill was appointed to an at-large senate seat. Nick Johnson said there are four vacant seats and interested students can apply on Blugold Connect+.

Denison was appointed to the Emergency Preparedness Committee, Ben Johnson was appointed to the Graduate Counsel Committee and Hill was appointed to the Instructional Resource Rental Committee. These committee seats were previously held by Nick Johnson.

The senate adjourned at 6:29 p.m. and will reconvene at 6 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 14 in the Dakota Ballroom.

Kasper can be reached at [email protected].