Police Blotter
Marijuana, a traffic crash and a person in the river
Drug case
At 10:15 p.m. on Oct. 29, two officers responded to a call regarding the smell of marijuana coming from a room in a residence hall.
When they arrived, a residence assistant confirmed the smell coming from one of the rooms. As the officers came out of the stairwell, they could smell a strong odor of burnt marijuana.
Officer one knocked on the door and a male student answered. A second male student was identified to be the roommate of student one. The officers were then given permission to enter.
When they entered the room, officer one identified a third male student.
The officers gave their reason for being called and the students stated they had smoked marijuana in the residence hall parking lot.
The students were asked where the marijuana was located, to which student one responded it was in his car in the parking lot.
The officers then conducted a search of the students’ belongings and found a bottle of Svedka. Student one was asked to dispose of it in the bathroom sink.
None of the students had any wants or prior offenses.
The officers then followed student one to his car, where he explained they had driven to a parking lot off-campus to smoke and then drove back.
Officer one conducted a search of the car and found a jar with 16.4 grams of marijuana. Officer one also found three pipes and a CBD cigar.
No other items were seized and the students were all given diversion forms.
Traffic crash
At 8:19 p.m. on Oct. 28, officers were notified of a parked vehicle which was struck by the driver of a moving vehicle in a residence hall parking lot.
When the officer arrived, both vehicles were legally parked. The officer made contact with the driver, a female student.
The student said she was trying to park her vehicle when she struck the rear passenger’s side door of the parked vehicle.
The officer observed a minor paint transfer and the student advised her vehicle was insured. There was no other observable damage.
The owner of the parked vehicle, another student, was contacted by phone. The officer completed a Non-Reportable Accident Form and gave both students a copy.
Neither vehicle had any wants or violations.
Check person
At 12:52 p.m. on Oct. 29, an officer responded to a report from someone who claimed to have observed a person swimming in the river near Putnam Park.
The officer parked at Haas Fine Arts and walked eastbound on the bike trail. The officer did not see anyone and called the complainant for more information.
The complainant claimed to have seen a female in black shorts and a black tank top swimming on the university side of the river.
The officer crossed the river and observed a man in a bright orange jacket fishing near the site. The officer asked the man if he had seen anyone swimming in the river. The man said no.
The officer reported the incident to dispatch.
Plueger can be reached at [email protected].

Miles Plueger is a third-year public relations and marketing student. He spent quarantine teaching himself guitar. He also makes a mean chicken stir fry.