Student Senate recognizes the university’s carbon footprint
The majority of the meeting was spent discussing bystander intervention training
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Photo by Amanda Thao
Student Senate participated in bystander intervention training during Monday’s meeting. They also addressed Financial Management Association’s request to go to Chicago.
Student Senate reviewed a bill pertaining to a student organization’s upcoming trip from last week and a resolution about the university’s carbon footprint in this week’s meeting.
Senate spent most of their meeting in bystander intervention training, led by Chris Jorgenson and Kallie Friede of the Women’s and LGBTQ Resource Center.
The presentation discussed ways to intervene if someone they know comes to them about sexual assault, how sexual assault and rape differ and the context of rape culture in a college setting. State statistics, campus resources and effects of alcoholism on sexual assault were presented within the discussion.
Several senators expressed their appreciation for the presentation, but Senator Ryan Ring said it was lengthy.
In other news, a special allocation passed 18-0-1 for the Financial Management Association to go to Chicago. Senate Finance Director Jorge Herrero Berengue addressed the bill, stating funds would be used for a class at the Chicago Board of Options Exchange and a tour of the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank.
Herrero Berengue said the majority of members in the organization are finance students. However, marketing and business administration students are involved as well.
Approximately 30 people signed up to go and there can be a maximum of 50 on the trip. Senate funding will cover the master class and the tour, while other expenses must be covered through fundraisers and personal funds.
“It would be great to see if someone from liberal arts or theatre goes to this, maybe they have a passion for finance,” Herrero Berengue said.
Chief of Staff Katy McGarry voiced her support for the special allocation. She said even though she has no interest in finance, the trip would be a good experience for UW-Eau Claire students.
Student Office of Sustainability Director Ethan Fuhrman announced new business following the bill’s vote. It addressed the university’s carbon footprint reductions and supported greater commitments to energy efficiency and sustainability in on-campus buildings.
The resolution recognized the university’s progress in reducing its carbon footprint, encouraged them to further their commitment in both future and currently planned building projects, and inspired them to consider incorporating the social cost of carbon into building costs.
Furhman said the resolution would not be binding and voiced his support for it.
“I think the university has done a lot of good work in its commitments to sustainability and environmental stewardship,” Furhman said. “I, of course, encourage the university to further those commitments, especially in some of the building products that they have going on.”
Instead of voting for the resolution in the traditional manner, the resolution passed with members voting “aye.”
According to the resolution, campus renovations will include Towers Hall, Hilltop Center and Haas Fine Arts Center. A new upper campus residence hall, a dining facility and the events center on Menomonie Street will be among the additions to campus.