Trottin’ on Turkey Day

Story by Sarah Solper, Freelancer

On Thanksgiving, around 4,000 runners and walkers gathered at the Eau Claire YMCA to participate in the sixth annual Turkey Trot.

The Turkey Trot is a five mile run or two mile run/walk put on by Festival Foods every Thanksgiving morning. It is held in eight cities including Appleton, Eau Claire, Fond du Lac, Green Bay, La Crosse, Manitowoc, Marshfield and Oshkosh.

According to their website, in the past five years the Turkey Trot has raised about $681,000 total for the Boys & Girls Club and YMCAs in these cities. It is also put on with its 19 sponsors and hundreds of volunteers.

YMCA Executive Director Ken Van Es said the funds gathered go to a good cause.

“The Eau Claire YMCA uses this kind of fund to provide assisted memberships to families that cannot afford one,” Van Es said. “We never want to turn someone away from the YMCA.”

Van Es said they try to give back to The Turkey Trot by having their whole staff help out on Thanksgiving Day.

Tracey Smiskey, Director of Resource Development for the Boys & Girls Club in Eau Claire, said they have received about $44,000 in the past couple years from the Turkey Trot.

“These funds have had a huge impact on our organization,” Smiskey said. “It’s good to know the proceeds go right back into our community.”

The proceeds help children from the Boys & Girls Club in after school programs for ages eight to 18 and also teaches them the concept of giving back Smiskey said.

The Turkey Trot is also a great way for participants to start off their turkey day with a little fun, said 23-year-old Samantha Mueller. The 23-degree weather did not stop Mueller from finishing her second Turkey Trot.

“This is a great way to get up and moving on Thanksgiving before a big meal,” Mueller said. “You can enjoy your family while getting some exercise so you don’t have to feel guilty about eating that extra piece of pie.”

The event provided long sleeve t-shirts and a complimentary pumpkin pie for each participant.

The Dog Jog was added to the Turkey Trot this year as well. Participants could bring their four-legged friend to the race with them. Several dogs took the starting line behind the two mile run/walk.

Duke, a rambunctious Cocker Spaniel, was one of the dogs that took the starting line on this chilly morning. His owners Jim and Andrea Olsen were relieved they could bring their dog on this festive trot.

“We are here to visit our family from out of town,” Jim Olsen said. “It is great that we can bring Duke with us and not leave him behind.”

Numerous volunteers at the finish line said they hoped everyone had a great time and anticipate that participants will return next year for this great event.