Blugold of the week: Joe Meier
No. 2 Singles / No. 1 Doubles Men’s Tennis

March 26, 2014
Hutchinson (Minn.)
Hutchinson High School
Helping the Blugolds to a 5-0 record on spring break in Hilton Head Island, S.C., Meier was undefeated for the week. He went 4-0 in No. 2 singles play while he also led in a match that went unfinished on Tuesday. At No. 1 doubles, he and partner Ryan Vande Linde finished 5-0.
Getting to know Meier:
Favorite thing about Eau Claire:
The faculty, campus and workout facilities
Favorite restaurant in Eau Claire:
Dream job:
To train and work with athletes and people to achieve their fitness and health goals
Favorite movie:
Harry Potter series
Favorite book:
“In Defense of Food” by Michael Pollen