Weekend shenanigans

Family, shopping and one spooky evening

More stories from Samantha Geiger

Wonder Women
December 15, 2021

If you are anything like me, you find yourself bored out of your mind on the weekends with nothing to do and nowhere to go.

I am here with some weekend, college-student approved activities and excursions.

This fine Halloween weekend, I decided to make the trip to my hometown. I am from Menomonee Falls, Wisc. about 20 minutes from Milwaukee. So for me, it is a four-hour drive home.

While being home, I got lots of snuggles from my two-month-old cousin and from my pets.

In addition to cuddles, there are many activities to do when visiting home — like shopping. While I don’t recommend emptying your bank account, everyone does deserve a shopping day every once in a while. Unfortunately for me, it may happen a bit too many times.

So, this past weekend I went with my mom to the “Corners of Brookfield,” to do some retail therapy. We first went to Kendra Scott and Lululemon.

Just a warning though, be prepared to spend lots of dollar bills. Both stores have high-quality items.

Kendra Scott offers a variety of different necklaces, bracelets, earrings and so much more. If you enjoy getting jewelry with your birth-month stone, they have everything you are looking for.  

Lululemon is an everyday athletic clothing store. They offer everything from the widely famous leggings all the way down to scrunchies. Which, by the way, I definitely recommend — especially the skinny scrunchies.

While at both stores, I found the perfect opportunity to do some Christmas shopping.  

Spoiler for my friends and family: if you are reading this, you now know that you are either getting Kendra Scott or Lululemon for Christmas.

After spending your life savings, you might as well spend some more money on something to eat. So, if you are looking for a healthy but filling snack or meal replacer, head on over to any acai bowl or smoothie place.

My two personal favorites are Nautical Bowls in Minnesota or Jamba Juice also in Minnesota and in Wisconsin.

Their acai bowls are filling and have lots of different flavor types and topping choices. For everything that you get, it is worth the money.

Each bowl, depending on what you get, ranges anywhere from $5 to $10.

After eating, we made our way home, made chicken dumpling soup and put on a good movie while handing out candy for all the trick-or-treaters. 

I have lived in the Milwaukee area my whole life and every time I come home, I still love going out and exploring my beautiful hometown.

I invite everyone to do the same. Explore my hometown, your hometown, a friend’s hometown, etc.

It allows you to get off the couch and out of the house — especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

If a long weekend trip sounds ideal, hop in the car and drive to the Milwaukee area. This excursion will provide you with lots of adventures along the way. Milwaukee has various things to visit, such as an art museum, discovery world, shake shack and so much more.

All you need is a mode of transportation, good company, music, money to spend and you are set to go.

This idea is college-student approved, budget approved … well maybe, depending on what you decide to do, and it gets rid of the weekend blues.

Geiger can be reached at [email protected]