Kelly Ivey
This player-hater isn’t big on romance, but a witty tale and pair of sweatpants will sweep her off her feet.
Year: Junior
Major: Business management
Interests: Awkward moments, cold weather, funny people, sarcasm, talking too much, long islands, sweatpants.
The perfect date: No romantic stuff, something outside like ice skating, rollerblading or Frisbee.
Ideal man/woman: He has to make me laugh, be taller than me, like sports, be a nice guy and like girls in sweatpants. He can’t be a player, man-whore or creeper at the bars.
Major turnoffs: Someone who is cocky, takes life too seriously, can’t laugh at himself and has bad teeth or gross breath.
The perfect Valentine’s gift: Pretty much anything random that I wasn’t expecting. “It could be a little romantic, but not over the top because eww, that would be gross.”
Kevin Abbott
He’ll buy you dinner and do your taxes! Even your mom will love this kid!
Year: Senior
Major: Accounting
Interests: Playing soccer, volleyball and hockey; socializing with friends at the local establishments; playing darts; doing people’s income taxes for free and wearing a cowboy hat even if the situation doesn’t call for it.
The perfect date: A candle lit dinner and a long walk on the beach.
Ideal man/woman: Active, outgoing, better than me at sports, really hot.
Major turnoffs: Girls that avoid me, people that don’t respect the feeling of others, girls that are taller than me.
The perfect Valentine’s gift: Any food like chocolate would be awesome.
Alicia Faivre
This girl knows how to rock it, just don’t listen to Linkin Park or she’ll knock it.
Year: Junior
Major: Elementary education
Interests: Spooning, things that sparkle, Converse All-Star Chucky Ts.
The perfect date: Frolicking in the meadows, followed up by writing poetry while watching paint dry.
Ideal man/woman: A scrawny mullet man.
Major turnoffs: Smoking, bad taste in music.
The perfect Valentine’s gift: A balloon with a smiley face hand-drawn on it.
Katie Knutson
Leave the camo at home, bring a dictionary and you may just win this sassy lady’s heart.
Year: Junior
Major: Art and physics education
Interests: Playing outside, listening to music, hoola hooping, drinking wine, Midget Kiss.
The perfect date: A bike- riding scavenger hunt ending with a picnic on the top of the world (Mount Simon).
Ideal man/woman: He has shaggy hair, is athletic, knows how to spell, is good at grilling and is witty.
Major turnoffs: Baseball hats, being shorter than me, wearing camo and hunting.
The perfect Valentine’s gift: Two plane tickets to a beach somewhere warm and a little red swimsuit.
Lara Conrad
This mathematician looks really sweet, but if you sock her with your clammy hand, your heart may cease to beat.
Year: Junior
Major: Math education
Interests: Music, playing the piano, theater, running, cross country.
The perfect date: I would probably want to go somewhere where I don’t know anybody so if it’s bad it’s like it never happened.
Ideal man/woman: My ideal man is tall, dark and handsome with a crazy personality. He must also be a non-wifebeater.
Major turnoffs: Wife-beating, clammy hands, not talking but also not listening, dumb people, mouth breathers, creeps, people with weird nicknames, people with dirty or smelly breath or teeth
The perfect Valentine’s gift: Right now I just need money. That would be amazing . a whole lotta cash.
Andy Gradall
He may be moving to a third world country, but he’s sure to smuggle in something romantic for his Val pal.
Year: Senior
Major: Comprehensive biology
Interests: Whitewater kayaking, tennis, international smuggling, backpacking.
The perfect date: Dinner and a really good opera; a lot of people would have to die in the opera.
Ideal man/woman: My ideal lady would be adventurous, smart and beautiful. She also wouldn’t mind living in a third world country. It would be a bonus if she didn’t mind international smuggling as well.
Major turnoffs: Smoking, blue hair and greasiness
The perfect Valentine’s gift: A romantic dinner of sautéed goat liver and a game of cribbage.
Dave Murphy
Give this homeboy a hug and a kiss, and he’ll certainly add some spice to your life.
Year: Senior
Major: Accounting
Interests: Sports, going out on school nights and video games.
The perfect date: A quick walk down to the Quick Wok.
Ideal man/woman: Someone with a great sense of humor and an easy-going personality.
Major turnoffs: People who are rude, mean and don’t like to have a good time.
The perfect Valentine’s gift: A box of candies, a hug and a kiss.
Patrick Orlopp
Things may get a little muddy this Valentine’s Day, but everything is an adventure with this creative chap.
Year: Senior
Major: English
Interests: Wine, women and songs.
The perfect date: Mud wrestling.
Ideal man/woman: Tall, dark and mysterious. They must have long hair and extensive knowledge of obscure trivia. They also must be the big spoon.
Major turnoffs: Ignorance, being boring and not willing to be adventurous.
The perfect Valentine’s gift: I want flowers dammit! I’d like to be taken out to dinner. And mud wrestling.
Megan Pederson
This girl is sweet as a kitten and if you braid her hair, she’ll be smitten.
Year: Senior
Major: Communications sciences and disorders
Interests: Being a fly on the wall, Facebook.
The perfect date: Braiding hair on the beach.
Ideal man/woman: Trump hair, Gilbert Brown body and a Clay Aiken personality.
Major turnoffs: Bad breath.
The perfect Valentine’s gift: A kitten.
Margie Berg
As long as you’re handsome and fun-loving, she might be yours after a bouquet of flowers.
Year: Junior
Major: Print journalism
Interests: Taking pictures, long walks on the beach, hiking.
The perfect date: April 25, because it’s not too hot and not too cold. All you need is a light sweater.
Ideal man/woman: Tall, dark and handsome. He needs to have a good personality and be fun-loving.
Major turnoffs: Smoking, heavy drinkers or guys that take themselves too seriously.
The perfect Valentine’s gift: A bouquet of flowers and movie tickets to see “27 Dresses.”
Kyle Sulerud
You may need to watch your back in cyber space, but as long as you hold your head high, this bad boy might end up falling for you.
Year: Senior
Major: Communications
Interests: Wedding crashing, cyber bullying.
The perfect date: She pays and then we head straight for dessert (note: this is ideal, other kinds of dates are fun too).
Ideal man/woman: B- or C-list actress
Major turnoffs: Insecurity, indecisiveness.
The perfect Valentine’s gift: Not Spectator appropriate
Donald Wicklund
This single is ready to mingle; just don’t bring any snakes.
Year: Junior
Major: Elementary
Interests: Hanging out with people.
The perfect date: Going out to dinner and a movie, hanging around, going out to coffee and just talking for a while.
Ideal man/woman: Light-hearted, fun, and has a great smile.
Major turnoffs: Smoking, pet snakes.
The perfect Valentine’s gift: A hug.