Police Blotter
A skunk sent campus police on a few unnecessary calls this week
Photo by Submitted
October 26, 2016
The power of Febreeze
Campus police came up empty handed in a drug investigation Monday. As it turned out, the true culprit was an animal.
Around 9:15 p.m. on Monday Oct. 24 an officer was dispatched to Towers Hall for a supposed drug case. Another officer was enroute to assist.
According to the reports, as the officers left the UW-Eau Claire Police Department for Towers Hall, they could detect a strong odor of skunk outside the building.
The same odor was also detected outside Towers Hall upon arrival.
Officers arrived on scene and met with the complainant, a resident assistant, who told police she detected the odor of marijuana in the hallway. Officers arrived on the floor in question and observed a large group of females in the lobby.
Campus police observed one female subject standing with a bottle of air freshener in her hand.
Arriving at the room in question, they observed the door was open. Police asked the group of girls if any of them lived in the room and the girl holding the air freshener bottle said she did. The officers requested consent to speak with her in her room and the subject gave consent.
According to the report, campus police notified the female subject why they were making contact with her and her roommate. The subject told police they had also detected the odor when their window was open.
She stated she did not smoke marijuana and offered to do a drug test.
Campus police were unable to detect the odor of marijuana inside the room and it became evident through their conversation that the smell had not originated from the room.
Officers informed the female subjects of this and cleared the room.
The skunk strikes again
After clearing the scene at Towers Hall, officers were called on another drug investigation that led to no arrests.
Around 9:45 p.m. on Monday Oct. 24, officers were dispatched to Bridgman Hall regarding a drug investigation.
According to the report, as officers left Towers Hall from the previous case, they could still detect the odor of a skunk outside of the building.
Officers arrived on scene and met with a resident assistant who advised police he had been contacted referencing the odor of marijuana. The RA stated he did not know which room it was coming from but informed police he could also detect the odor on another floor, too.
Campus police told the RA of the skunk odor outside and the RA informed police this could be the odor he had smelled.
The officers walked the floors in question, could not detect the odor and then cleared the scene.
Popcorn party gone wrong
Campus police responded to a fire alarm at Towers Hall, discovering there were no flames but rather some burnt popcorn.
At approximately 8:20 p.m. on Saturday Oct. 22 campus police were dispatched to a fire alarm at Towers Hall.
Upon arrival, campus police met with the hall director on scene who stated popcorn was being made in the TV-10 office and it had burned. Engine 5 was already on scene.
The officer turned off the alarm and fire personnel checked the area of the alarm and ascertained there was no problem. Campus police reset the alarm without incident and the fire personnel stated the building could be reoccupied.
No further information is available at this time.