Police Blotter
Campus police had a busy homecoming capturing muskrats, dealing with a littering drunk and explaining First Amendment rights
Photo by Submitted
October 5, 2016
Know your first amendment rights
UW-Eau Claire campus police issued a solicitation ordinance warning to a landlord last Wednesday for placing flyers on cars without authorization from the university
At around 3 p.m. on Sept. 28, police were contacted in regards to fliers that had been placed on most of the vehicles in the Chancellor’s Lot.
Upon arrival, the officer noticed the flyers were advertising student rentals for the 2017-2018 school year. The flyer also included contact information. The officer contacted the number listed and spoke with a male who identified himself as the landlord listed on the fliers.
In speaking to the subject about the flyers, the man informed the officer he was “exercising his First Amendment right of free speech.”
Campus informed the subject that placing fliers on vehicles without authorization from the university violated the solicitation ordinance and that if the subject removed the flyers, he would not issue him a citation.
The subject informed the officer he was busy playing golf and could get the fliers the following day, at which time the officer informed the subject the flyers needed to be removed today.
The landlord argued that one of his tenants distributed the flyers and that he did not have the tenants phone number with him but that he would personally remove the flyers by 5 p.m. that day.
At approximately 4:30 p.m. the communication center advised the officer they had received a message stating all the involved flyers had been removed.
Liar, liar pants on fire
Police issued a first offense underage drinking/possession citation, as well as a warning for littering, to a subject who struggled to tell the truth late Friday night.
At roughly 11:20 p.m., campus police were contacted by a Eau Claire police student patrol member. The student patrol member informed the officer he had witnessed a male subject throw a can of beer onto the ground near the Haas Fine Arts Center.
Student patrol informed the officers the subject was a white male, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and riding a light blue “trick” bicycle.
The subject was riding southbound on the Eau Claire footbridge toward Garfield Avenue. The student patrol advised police he had picked up the beer can and was following the subject, who was riding his bicycle along with a group of people.
Campus police arrived at the south side of the footbridge and walked onto the footbridge, locating the subject in question and advising him police wanted to speak with him.
The officer told the subject that he was notified he had thrown a beer can onto the ground near the Haas Fine Arts Center. The subject told the officer that he did not.
Again, the officer told the subject he knew he had thrown a beer can, adding that student patrol had watched him litter and followed him across the bridge. The subject remained adamant that he did not litter.
Student patrol arrived on scene and confirmed the subject being questioned was the same subject he witnessed throw the beer can and that he never lost sight of the subject after witnessing him litter.
The officer informed the subject he knew the subject was lying, yet the subject continued to deny littering.
Student patrol had the littered beer can in possession and presented the Busch Light Special Edition Hunting Can to the officer. Upon seeing the can, the officer noticed a can inside the subject’s pocketed sweatshirt and asked the subject to remove the can, which he did.
The can the subject removed from his pocket was identical to the can that was littered.
However, the subject told the officer that the can in his pocket was the only busch light can of beer that he had and continued to deny littering. The subject told police he had three KuL Beers to drink earlier in the night and told the officer “it was awhile ago.”
Campus police could sell the odor of intoxicant coming from the subject’s breath as he spoke with slurred speech and noticed his eyes were bloodshot.
Another officer on scene took the can from the subject’s pocket, dumped out the contents and properly disposed of it.
The officer told the subject he was not looking to write him two citations and he was only “looking for honesty.” The subject continued to deny littering.
Police took the subject to the squad to complete paperwork. The subject submitted to a preliminary breath test and a .15 test result was obtained, from a “very weak breath” sample.
The officer asked the subject if he had more than three beers to drink and if he may have had any shots, to which the subject replied “maybe.”
Campus police issued the subject a first offense underage/drinking possession citation and warned the subject for littering. The officer then told the subject he was free to leave.
According to the report, the subject was visibly upset riding away on his bicycle. As the subject was about a block down from the officer, the officer saw him throw his bicycle and yell.
The officer told the subject to stop that behavior and go home, and the subject continued on his way.
Dangerous wildlife
Campus police responded to the area behind Putnam Hall last Wednesday, regarding an animal case involving a muskrat.
At around 7:54 a.m. officers were informed there was a muskrat on the sidewalk that had been seen jumping at pedestrians.
Upon arrival, the officer met with the complainant, who had been watching this animal and contacted police. The officer observed the muskrat appeared to have an injured front left foot, but did not see any signs of illness.
The officer obtained a cardboard box, and with help from the complainant, was able to capture the muskrat. The muskrat was transported to the east side of Putnam Park, where he was released to carry on with his business.