With spring finally upon us, students choose to use another form of transportation — bicycles.
Many students may not be aware of a city ordinance that doesn’t allow bicycles on sidewalks in business districts, said Eau Claire Police Officer Jason Ruppert.
As stated in a city ordinance, “No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within the Water Street District: The area bounded by the Chippewa River, First Avenue, Chippewa Street and Sixth Avenue, except on the south side of Water Street from First Avenue to Third Avenue and on the north side of Water Street from First Avenue to Second Avenue.”
This is a safety issue and all prohibited areas are marked on the sidewalk and with signs on street posts, Ruppert said.
Violators of the ordinance may be subject to a fine of $151, Ruppert said. Riding your bike on the road is okay, he said, but not on the sidewalk in this area.
“It’s just safety for students so we can prevent accidents,” Ruppert said. “Our goal is not to give out tickets.”
“Skateboards, roller skates, roller skis, in-line skates or any other similar equipment,” are also restricted from any city street, any sidewalk in a business district, public parking ramp or lot or on private property, unless permission from the owner is granted, according to the city ordinance.
The previously listed sporting equipment can be used on the roads, sidewalks and parking lots within Carson Park. The exceptions are Carson Park Drive and the ramps, sidewalks and stairs that form the entrances to the Carson Park baseball and football stadiums.
While walking from class in the Human Sciences and Services building to her car in the Water Street parking lot, senior Jess Young was surprised when a police officer stopped her. She received a warning for jaywalking.
This is another law of which students may not be aware. The fine for jaywalking is $113.80. Young was amazed to find out that a ticket for jaywalking would cost her so much.
“I just walk across the street everyday like that,” she said.
Any “sudden movement into traffic” could be considered a violation and students may receive a warning or ticket, Ruppert said.
“We usually give warnings, but not too many. You’re going to see an increase though — it’s for the safety of everyone, not just students but everyone who uses that area.”