Starseeds and ET’s
Sara Comeau holds an educational workshop at The Broom and Crow
Photo by Maggie O'Brien
Comeau’s favorite extraterrestrial baby
Sara Comeau, a psychic empath with a passion for helping animals, people and spirit, held an educational workshop focused on Starseeds and extraterrestrials.
This workshop was $25 to attend and took place from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 29, at The Broom and Crow.
According to Comeau’s website, the Starseeds and ET’s workshop explored various civilizations to call “home” and extraterrestrials who serve as guides.
Comeau is also a cosmic ambassador to ascension and said her journey began when she was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2013 and started to seek out holistic healing.
“One day after I worked really hard to hone my skills for animal communication, I realized I was able to communicate with spirits,” Comeau said. “It’s grown since then into me doing past life regressions and energy healing and now classes.”
Comeau said starseeds are people that come from other planets and galaxies that exist beyond ours and they come with a particular mission to help people on earth and evolve the planet.
“ETs are here to let us know that there is more beyond earth and to teach us diversity and enlighten us,” Comeau said.
Comeau said one of the intents of this workshop was to encourage the attendees to have an open mind and learn more to raise their frequencies.
“I wanted to make sure that everyone understands a little bit more about who they are as starseeds,” Comeau said. “I wanted people to open their perspective because a wide perspective is ascension.”
Tabatha Voss, the owner of The Broom and Crow, said she thought Comeau’s teachings would interest the people of her community.
“A lot of folks come in and they have questions about ETs or are wondering about things not of this world,” Voss said.
Voss said The Broom and Crow is interested in trying new things and exploring new paths that may not have been explored before.
“Classes like this and others we have planned in the future are really about opening our minds to all the possibilities,” Voss said. “I think with an open mind and an open heart, that’ll lead us to the next thing in our evolutionary path.”
Georgie L., an attendee of the Starseeds and ETs workshop said she was interested in coming to the workshop to further explore her purpose and life’s journey.
“I don’t know what my path is yet,” L. said. “But I’m open to learning and making mistakes and falling down and getting back up until I know.”
L. said it answered many of the questions she’s had for a while and helped her look at her life through a different lens without familial and cultural influences.
“The workshop has definitely helped me have a better grasp and have more of a tangible example of what open-mindedness on the universe as a whole is,” L. said.
Comeau is offering various events at The Broom and Crow in November and December.
One of these events is a free seminar, Pendulums 101, which will be held at 5 p.m. on Nov. 11. Comeau is also offering a workshop, For the Love of Crystals, for $25 at 10:30 a.m. on Nov. 26.
Comeau offers individual readings at The Broom and Crow as well. These will be held on Nov. 12 and 26 and on Dec. 17.
More information about Comeau and her offerings can be found on her website and Facebook page.
O’Brien can be reached at [email protected].

Maggie O'Brien is a third-year English creative writing and English education student. This is her fifth semester on The Spectator. She adores many things but has a soft spot in her heart for calico critters, rain and books with cracked spines.