Eau Claire was a wee bit nippy this past week. Who am I kidding; I had snot stuck to my face, icicles hanging from my goatee, and I’m fairly sure that if you had pierced my ear, I wouldn’t have felt it. While this cold weather is not putting a smile on too many faces, I view it as an opportunity. Call me an optimist, but instead of sulking about how I can’t feel my face or hands, toes, legs or arms, I’ve decided to come up with a list of things that will keep me occupied during this below-zero weekend.
At home options:
If you’re like me, you refuse to leave the house for anything but school and work (and to be honest, those two things are beginning to be less important than my warmth). The bars are great, but getting there and back without getting hypothermia is a 50/50 bet at best for me. Instead, let’s examine some options that don’t involve me falling in snow.
Movie with friends: Now that school is back, you might have forgotten about old friends like Rob Schneider. It’s been too long, hasn’t it? What better use of your time than paying tribute to the “Man that Sandler Made?” Ok, Schneider sucks. But I do suggest “Little Miss Sunshine.”
Board games: Nothing says winter-time warmth like a board game. Get some friends together and throw down some Monopoly. You’ll let out some of that built-up, weather-related aggression when you make your friend pay you hundreds of his hard-earned fake money.
Drink (21-and-over please): Hell, it is the weekend. The week has been tough. You need to relax. Besides, the snowbank outside your front door makes the beer much colder than your fridge ever could.
School work: NERD! No really, think about this. Is it better to get ahead on your homework now when you don’t want to step outdoors or try to catch up when it’s 70 degrees and sunny? Suck it up – do the work. It’ll pay off later. Plus, if you combine homework with the option above, you’ll find it’s actually a fairly high-quality time (of course, no good student would try that.).
Outside your home:
If you do choose to brave the weather (and even if the walk is only from your car to the building, you can say you braved it and pat yourself on the back), then here are a couple things in Eau Claire to warm and entertain you this weekend.
Acoustic Caf: Why a caf? Hot coffee, darling. My warm, delicious, caffeinated friend. They have live music both Friday and Saturday, hot soup under $3 and wi-fi. Plus, they’ve got heat.
Basketball doubleheader: Both the Blugold men and women are playing at Zorn Arena on Saturday. Combine school spirit with a warm gym, and you’ve got yourself an afternoon. Plus, the women have yet to lose at Zorn. It’s always more fun to root for a winner (unlike my Bears this weekend). Did I mention the gym is warm?
Polar Plunge: OK, so this one will require you to actually go outside. However, the Polar Plunge at Carson Park on Sunday is sweet. A bunch of people jumping into a lake for charity. While you might be cold, take solace in the fact that you are still way warmer than they are.
Bars (valid ID required): Who am I kidding, I’ll probably be at Brothers (I like my odds on that 50/50). But at least I have options. Now, so do you.
Don’t let the cold ruin a perfectly good weekend. Remember you only have so many years to be young and stupid. Take advantage of them.