The forced break
Photo by Sophie Geske
Restful screen-free activities for relaxing.
Sometimes life throws things your way that you weren’t expecting.
Well, this week I managed to get a concussion. I have never had one before, but I was basically put on bed rest.
I am not allowed to do any physical activity other than walking and I am supposed to rest when I can to allow my brain time to heal.
I am someone who is always on the go. There is always something more to do or see or someone to hang out with. Time doesn’t stop.
Taking a full-on break in college is hard. If I take too much time not doing anything, I think of the other things that I need to get done or ahead on.
Planning and prioritizing are big for me. Now is a time when I need to put my health first and take some time for rest and relaxation.
A lot of times when I have downtime, I like to watch a show or scroll online, as those are both easy things to do from my bed. Sadly, with a concussion you should try to stay away from technology as it can strain your eyes, making your brain work harder.
TV shows were kind of out of the picture. I had to refocus and find relaxing things that did not involve too much technology.
The first thing I turned to was reading. I enjoy reading and since I had to take a break from some of my normal activities, I had time. It was great while it lasted. I was only able to focus on the words for so long until I had to give my brain a break.
Coloring was another great option. Letting your creative juices flow, while having a relaxing activity and something new for your wall is a great combination. It was really nice because the only thing you need to focus on with coloring is staying inside the lines.
Over time I started to get a little bored. Silence is nice sometimes as it allows you to think, but there isn’t much more to think about after a while.
I have never been an audiobook or podcast person. For books, I like seeing the words and being able to do the different voices and images in my head and I’ve just never really listened to podcasts.
While coloring, I didn’t want to just listen to music so I found some random podcasts and I was hooked. I started with criminal podcasts to funny ones to more personal experience podcasts.
It wasn’t until now that I discovered there was so much that you could learn or think about daily while on the go.
An added plus was that while the only physical activity I could do was go on walks, it was nice having something I could take with me and think about other than music.
Podcasts and coloring in low light was my favorite thing to do while I had my concussion. It allows you to be creative and do something while resting and yet still have something to listen to and follow along with.
I also never realized how much technology there is within our lives and how much of our entertainment comes from devices.
While having a concussion sucks, it was nice being able to take a step back and find new ways to fully relax and recuperate.
Geske can be reached at [email protected].

Sophie Geske is a third-year business administration and journalism student. This is her third semester on the spectator. In her spare time she enjoys playing tennis, hanging out with friends, getting coffee, reading books or just relaxing.