It is never too early for Christmas music

Listening to Christmas music should be a judgment-free activity

More stories from Stephanie Smith


I love the spirit of Christmas and always have. Although many people only find it acceptable to listen to Christmas music after Thanksgiving, I believe it’s acceptable any time of the year.

Halloween has officially passed; the ghosts and monsters have been put away until next year and the snowmen and Christmas trees have made their debut.

Yes, I understand there is still Thanksgiving to celebrate — and don’t get me wrong, I love the turkey, mashed potatoes and cranberries — but honestly, I am ready for Christmastime.

There have been a lot of arguments between my roommates and me about when it is appropriate to start listening to Christmas music. Some say it is only acceptable after Turkey Day. However, I am a firm believer that you are allowed and welcomed to blast some Mariah Carey Christmas tunes — or my personal favorite, Carol of the Bells — anytime of the year if you really want to.   

I would normally say Nov. 1 is the perfect time for cranking out the Christmas music, but I can’t judge others for listening to it before November because I am guilty of listening to it at “abnormal times.”

I feel a little bit crazy admitting such a thing, but I jammed out to my Christmas playlist in the middle of June this past summer. I know that may be overdoing it and might be going beyond normal boundaries, but there is good reason for it.

Christmas is such a happy and merry time for me, and I love the beauty that goes along with it. The lights, music, white glistening snow, cookies, family, decorating the tree, warm fires and the Nativity scene are all major concepts that come to mind when I think of this wonderful time of year.

I feel my best and happiest around Christmastime so why wouldn’t I want to listen to the music that reminds me of the time when I feel most humble, appreciative and content with my life?

Most people listen to music that resonates with their mood and feelings, whether that means listening to Chance the Rapper, Thomas Rhett or Bon Iver. I love those artists and listening to each creates a different mood for me. But unlike others, I also listen to Christmas music when it is nowhere near December.

Christmas music also helps keep my spirits up when it is cold outside. I can handle a little cold weather, but I can’t handle the kind of cold that makes my hands crack and start to bleed as soon as I step outside the house not wearing my mittens.

This is my third year at UW-Eau Claire and will be my second year having to walk across the footbridge in below-20-degree weather with my hair turning into icicles because I didn’t have time to fully dry it before my 8 a.m. class.

“Bridge face” is real when the temperature starts to drop. Really the only thing that can cheer me up on my way to class is listening to Christmas music.

As soon as I start to walk across the bridge, I want nothing more than to turn around, go back home and snuggle under my warm blankets, but my Christmas music keeps me going.

The music reminds me of the happy times Christmas brings and I actually can’t help but put pep in my step every time I listen to it, because it is impossible for me to be sad while listening to Christmas music.

I understand Christmas music isn’t everyone’s cup of hot cocoa but I think people should not judge others for when they want to listen to Christmas music. You shouldn’t judge people on their regular day-to-day music choices so why should you judge people when they listen to holiday music that brings back nostalgia and happy thoughts?

I don’t care if it’s cliche or not, but Christmas really is the happiest time of the year, and I will not let people ruin my happiness by telling me when or when not to listen to my music of choice.

(And in case you were wondering: Yes, I am listening to Christmas music while expressing my thoughts on this topic).