Blu’s Organizational Bash invites students to join clubs

Over 100 clubs set up booths in the Campus Mall promoting their organization to interested Blugolds

More stories from Stephanie Smith

Police Blotter
December 13, 2017

Photo by Kar Wei Cheng

Members from participating organizations handed out treats and spoke with students about their organizations.

From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesday Sept. 12, UW-Eau Claire students filled the Campus Mall at Blu’s Organizational Bash in search of different clubs and groups they could join for the semester.

Over 100 tents and tables were set up by different organizations on campus trying to promote their club for others to join.

Organizations available to join range from Greek life, to DECA, to men’s and women’s sports.

Sarah Wilke, a first-year communication science and disorders student, said BOB is a good idea and, through the event, she can get a taste of all the organizations available to join.

“I am interested in a lot of organizations that go along with my major such as the American Sign Language club or Operation Smile where I can complete my service learning and volunteer work,” Wilke said.

All of the booths had a sign-up sheet where prospective students could enter their email to get more information about the club and their meeting times.

Dylan Dearth, a first-year journalism and marketing student, said he signed up to join four clubs. Dearth said he was especially interested in Blugold Radio, The Spectator, TV 10 and a finance club that would help him with his marketing major.

Emma Koehn, a fourth-year Public Relations student and president of Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA),  said BOB is a great way to get one’s name out there, not only for the freshmen but also for the older students who don’t know about an organization.

“The whole point of the event is to get students interested in the different organizations and clubs available on campus and to be able to give them more information about what they do,” Koehn said. “All the people that have already signed up to join PRSSA seem super interested and excited to attend our first meeting.”

Students who did not attend BOB but are interested in joining a club can find a list of all the organizations available to join on the UW- Eau Claire site under Student Clubs and Organizations.  

Smith can be reached at [email protected]