Entering the real world shouldn’t be so scary
Being hesitant in college can be a good thing
More stories from Lauren Kritter
Whether it be life changing or something simple, committing to decisions proves to be difficult for Kritter at times.
This time of year always brings about a little bit of panic for me. One more semester down means one semester closer to graduation.
Although graduating is the end goal of this whole college experience, sometimes I think pushing it off a semester or two wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
The reason why is plain and simple; I’m indecisive.
While some people are walking around campus waiting to leave so they can get on with their lives they’ve had planned out since they were six, I’m here hoping one day the knowledge of what I want to do with the rest of my life will just magically come to me.
But then I think, where’s the fun in that? Where is the learning through failure?
I know I’m not alone in this and there are people just like myself on campus struggling to figure out what they want to commit to. Especially with their college timer ticking down, eager to force us all into the real world.
A situation I encountered while serving at Grizzly’s this past weekend made me realize it’s not only college students who deal with this struggle of being indecisive.
There was a young boy with his parents at one of my tables. I always like to ask kids themselves what they would like to eat. After all, they are the ones who have to eat the meal, not their parents.
In this particular incident, the boy couldn’t decide whether he wanted corn dogs or chicken nuggets. After giving him a few more seconds to decide his mom chimed in and decided chicken nuggets was the winner.
Although the boy didn’t seem upset about the decision he looked at me with sad eyes as if he wished he could have done it himself.
Maybe that’s the problem. Whether it be a new relationship, a career choice or simply what to eat for dinner, our society has made committing to a decision difficult because of the fear of failure, or dissatisfaction.
I have been in this exact mindset many times where I think things just can’t be as good as how I pictured it to be in my head.
We need to forget about the negative connotations associated with failure and remember that it is an experience that leads to learning. How are you ever supposed to know what life path you are meant to take without some trial and error?
I know eventually I’ll figure out exactly what I want to do. It might take some time, but I am okay with that.