Editorial Board


There is a chance you could be one of the half-million Facebook users who saw manipulated posts on their news feeds as part of Facebook’s emotion study published in June. The emotion study changed the number of positive and negative posts users scrolled through to assess the impact on the emotional tone of future posts, according to an article published on nytimes.com.

If your news feed was controlled, you wouldn’t know it. According to an article published on nytimes.com, Facebook never disclosed to users if they were part of a study and may not disclose future studies


As a result of the release of the study, Facebook said no outside body will review research, but greater internal scrutiny would be applied to future research according to an article published on nytimes.com.

Since the study attempted to mess with emotions of users, it was upsetting to several members of The Spectator Editorial Board, although all members agreed the study is not an invasion of privacy.

One member said they thought they had control over their news feed until now. They thought deleting friends who plague the members’ news feed with negative life updates was enough.

Another member said the statuses posted on their news feed do influence their mood.  


“It does have an effect on you, especially with how much time we spend on there,” the same member said.

In the name of research, another member said the manipulation of news feeds was a good idea. They said they wish they had the chance to go back and see what they signed up for.

Another member said invasion of privacy is a dead concept. They referenced the automatic download of the U2 album that many iPhone users found on their devices.

“This scratches the surface of what they are capable of,” the same member said.