Chivalry is not dead, just evolved
You can’t always get what you want if you don’t ask
Roszak is a freshman journalism major and staff writer for The Spectator. Roszak can be reached at [email protected] or @CRoszak22.
April 16, 2014
As I walked up the front steps of Hibbard Hall for one of my afternoon classes, I noticed the guy in front of me hold the door open. I politely said thank you, and then I proceeded to do the same for the person behind me. It is something students see all over campus; it is a chivalrous act. Yet why are we hearing so often that chivalry is dead?
When most people think of chivalry, they think only men can act chivalrous. Which poses my first question, “Why can’t women be chivalrous towards their significant other?” In an age where we are all for gender equality, why are men being singled out?
This is where I think the next issue comes into play. Women have been working for gender equality for so long. They are advocates for the movement and stand by it. At the same time, those women become upset when a man doesn’t wait on her hand and foot or even wait to eat until she has served herself.
In my opinion, you cannot contradict your beliefs and complain about inequality and a man not waiting on you. A man can only take as big of an act as you will allow him.
I do not think chivalry is dead, I think it has evolved and changed with time. It is difficult to pinpoint what exactly caused the change.
It might have something to do with the evolution in technological advances. People in society rely on cell phones and computers too much nowadays. Just take a second and look around you.
How many people are using their phone, tablet or computer? Chances are a majority of the people around you are, even if they are engaged in conversation.
Also in today’s college atmosphere there is emphasis on a one-night-stands rather than relationships.
Chivalry is more apparent in relationships than casual dating or hookups. Statistics show although some people are against chivalry, others are still all for it.
Statistics given by the Daily Mail show only 1-in-7 men would give up their seat on a bus or train to a woman, while 3-in-5 men appreciate when women open and hold the door for them. Only seven percent of women view chivalrous acts as patronizing, although 1-in-25 women feel embarrassed when men demonstrate old-fashioned behavior.
In my opinion, part of the problem is today we live in a society where we overthink everything we do and say. Messages can get misinterpreted and it is a lot easier to offend someone. In the long run, men are afraid their actions will come off sexist while women are nervous to be ‘independent’ or come off too feminist. If women want something done, step up and say it.
There is a scene in the movie “Think Like a Man” where one of the main characters, a female, will not get into the car, unless her date opens the door. She vocally announces that to him, and then he did it. You cannot complain about something if you’re not asking
for it.
Chivalry isn’t dead; it has just evolved over the years. It’s little chivalrous things that can make or break a relationship.