Of all the issues discussed in the state Assembly in the past two years, it seems legislators could only agree on one thing, that being how great Brett Favre is.
According to a March 11 Associated Press article, the state Assembly passed a resolution honoring the former Green Bay Packers quarterback. The resolution commends Favre for becoming the NFL’s all-time leader in passing touchdowns, completions, attempts and victories by a quarterback as well as for his charity work through the Brett Favre Fourward Foundation. The Assembly unanimously passed the resolution on a voice vote, according to the article.
Despite the unity Favre brought to our capitol, the time spent on this resolution is troubling. With all the issues the state Legislature has on its plate, declaring how great a football player Favre was should have been low on its list. The government should not be wasting taxpayers’ time and money by passing resolutions such as this. Did Wisconsin really need the Assembly to spend time doing this, seeing as how beloved Favre is among Packer fans in the state? Even if this only took a few minutes of the Assembly’s time, it still is a waste on our lawmakers’ part.
And despite the charity work Favre was recognized for, it’s unfair of the Assembly to recognize Favre over other people who do good for this state. There are many others in Wisconsin who have done more for this state than Favre but go unrecognized. Teachers, firefighters and others are helping improve Wisconsin every day, but don’t expect to see a resolution passed commemorating them.
It’s maddening to see the Assembly spend time on this after seeing how long it took to pass a budget this past year. Wisconsin lawmakers need to get their priorities straight, focusing on passing bills that will help improve the state rather than commemorating a popular football player.