Death can’t even stop the money-hungry people of this world. Last week a woman being held as a suspect in her husband’s murder hanged herself in a Florida jail. The woman left a suicide note for her lawyer to sue the jail for failing to prevent her from killing herself. She included in her request that the money was to go to her two children she left behind.
This is a ridiculous request.
The company that operates the jail, Corrections Corporation of America, insists that the woman was properly supervised.
This woman obviously had a plan to carry out. She mistakenly believed that it would be better if both of her children’s parents were dead and that money would solve all their heartache.
She said she did not want her children to witness her court case on Court TV. She apparently didn’t take into consideration the fact that her outrageous quest for cure-all money would give her family national media attention.
The thought that the jail could possibly be held accountable for such an action is unthinkable. It is not possible for every single prisoner to be watched every second of every day. The lawyer has not yet accepted the case and shouldn’t.
The lawyer needs to think with his head and not his pocketbook. If he does accept, he too will only be thinking of money because morally this is wrong.
On the off chance that this case actually goes to court and the jail is found guilty, it would open up a financial gateway for all the other families of people who commit suicide in jail.
Any way you look at it, this request is wrong. She obviously wasn’t thinking clearly, and the lawyer, the jail and everyone else should be able to see that. It is a sad case for her children, but their mother killed herself and any amount of money won’t help that.