Police Blotter

Tower Hall elevator breaks down with three people inside

Avery Shanahan

More stories from Avery Shanahan

Police Blotter
November 24, 2021

UW-Eau Claire campus police were called to Towers South residence hall to rescue three individuals inside a broken elevator. 

Stuck in the elevator

At 6 p.m. on Oct. 26, officers were dispatched to Towers South residence hall in response to a broken down elevator with three people inside. 

Upon arrival, the officer attempted to call the elevator, but there was no response. The officer then located the elevator control room on the 10th floor and observed elevator two was stuck between the eight and ninth floors of the residence hall. 

The officer was able to shut down the power to the elevators and travel down to the eighth floor. The hall director got in contact with the individuals stuck inside the elevator and gathered a better understanding of where the elevator was located.

After the doors were pried open by the officer, the three individuals were able to safely exit the elevator unharmed. They explained as the elevator was traveling down from the 10th floor, an alert appeared and the elevator stopped.

The officer instructed the hall director to place out of order signs on all of the floors for elevator two, and housing was contacted for a maintenance request.

Marijuana paraphernalia behind Chancellors hall 

At 9 p.m. on Oct. 29, an officer was dispatched to Chancellor’s residence hall regarding potential drug use near the picnic area. 

The complainant stated they noticed a strong marijuana smell and observed five male subjects smoking. Upon arrival, the officer could not locate anyone around the area, but did find paraphernalia connected with marijuana use. 

The officer collected the items and took them in as evidence. There is no other information at this time. 

Recovered Property

On Oct. 29, an officer was notified about a recovered cell phone in Phillips hall on lower campus. The cell phone was located by a custodial staff member, who stated it was found near the all gender restroom on the second floor. 

The cellphone was fingerprint and passcode protected, so the officer was unable to obtain any information from it. 

The officer took the cell phone back to the UW-Eau Claire Police Department for photos and further investigation. 

Unauthorized parking 

Campus police were dispatched to Haymarket Landing, which has underground parking that requires a pass and an assigned parking spot for each resident. 

The officer was called by an individual who stated that her assigned parking spot had been taken by another vehicle. 

After collecting the license plate number, the officer was able to get the contact information of the driver of the vehicle, a resident of Haymarket; however, they did not have a permit to park in the underground lot. 

Following no response from the driver, the officer was able to get in contact with the listed owner of the vehicle, the driver’s father. 

The listed owner was able to get in contact with his son and informed him campus police needed him to move his car. The driver came a short time later to move his car. The officer informed the driver that further violations would result in a citation.

After further investigation into the driver, the officer found that this was the second time he had parked in Haymarket without an authorized pass. 

The complainant was notified her parking spot was open and the scene was cleared.

Shanahan can be reached at [email protected].