Police Blotter

Campus police handled cases of an unknown male in Murray Hall and suspicious behavior in a vehicle in the Towers lot

More stories from Stephanie Smith

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Don’t let strangers into the building

At 1:14 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 17, two campus police officers were dispatched to Murray Hall in regard to a possible homeless man in the main lobby.  According to the report, the male subject had been swearing and saying he was “going to get pneumonia outside.”

Upon arrival, the officer made contact with the complainant, who said she had been working front desk security when a white male subject started to bang on the main entrance to Murray Hall. The subject eventually started to walk away and headed down the ramp located outside the main entrance.

The complainant said the male subject re-approached the main entrance, at which point her friend allowed him access to the building. The subject stood in the main entrance doorway, took off his bag and threw it to the ground. He then started to swear, saying it was cold outside and he was going to get pneumonia.

The complainant overheard the male subject mumble something under his breath about getting a cab. He then took a seat in the main lobby of Murray Hall. The complainant then asked her friend, who let the man inside, to call 911 because the male subject could not be in the building.

According to the report, when the complainant returned from calling 911, both her friend and the unknown male subject were gone.

The subject was described as wearing dark pants, a navy blue sweatshirt and a Green Bay Packer scarf. He was balding, did not have any teeth and was approximately 60 years old.

While speaking with the complainant, one of the officers received a call on the primary squad cell phone from a custodian at the Davies Center about  a “homeless male subject” in an entryway that was supposed to be locked. Due to the possibility of the male subject being related to this case, both officers went to the Davies Center in an attempt to locate the unknown male subject.

Upon arrival, the officers searched both the exterior and interior of the Davies Center. While searching, the officers located a male subject who was later determined to not be the male subject associated with this report.

The officers then cleared the Davies Center and continued to search for the original male subject. After searching the immediate and surrounding areas, the officers were unable to locate the unknown male subject associated with the report, so they decided to clear the scene.

The officers then returned to Murray Hall and made contact with the complainant and her friend. The friend who had earlier disappeared with the male subject said he had given the unknown male a ride from Murray Hall to the Perkins located off of Highland Avenue in Eau Claire.

The friend said he recognized the male subject as being a Sodexo employee that worked at Hilltop Center in the “dishwashing room.” One of the officers asked both the complainant and her friend if the male subject had made any threats toward them while in Murray Hall. Both said he did not.

The officer asked them if they had any additional information, but they did not have anything else to add.


Laying down some rhymes

At 10:30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 18, a campus police officer was performing active patrol through the Towers parking lot when she observed a male subject in a blue Subaru in the middle of the lot. She observed the engine wasn’t running and no lights were on.

Due to the amount of drug activity in this lot, the officer got out of her vehicle and walked on foot to observe the car. According to the report, while watching the vehicle, she saw the subject turn on loud rock music.

The officer then watched the male subject begin to violently thrash around in the car and saw him slam his hands against the steering wheel and windows. His body slammed back and forth on the seat.

Due to this behavior the officer decided to illuminate the vehicle with her flashlight.

According to the report, the male immediately stopped and looked up at the officer. The officer recognized the subject from past contact earlier in the week in reference to suspicious behavior in the Bollinger lot.

The male subject told the officer this is how he let his “creative process flow for music” and that he was “laying down some rhymes.” Much like the past contact, he continued to ramble on about his music and people he knew who made music as well. The officer had to interrupt him multiple times to get a question answered.

The male subject apologized, and the officer assured him he was not in trouble.

The officer told the subject he was free to stay in the lot but campus police may come back and speak to him if people were to call his behavior in.