Police Blotter

Campus police help stop a theft at Shopko and deal with a complaint of a suspicious man

More stories from Stephanie Smith

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Theft on Clairemont Avenue

At approximately 11:11 a.m. on Saturday a UW-Eau Claire police officer assisted the Eau Claire Police Department (ECPD) in a theft at Shopko.

The communications center advised campus police a retail theft suspect had just left Shopko on West Clairemont Avenue and store personnel were following the suspect.

The suspect was described as a white male wearing a boot cast on one foot.

The campus police officer advised dispatch, saying since he was close to the area he would assist the city officers in trying to trail the suspect, as the ECPD officers were coming from headquarters.

According to the report, the campus officer was advised the suspect had met up with an African-American male and the two were now running past Jimmy Johns and toward America’s Best Value Inn Hotel.

The officer drove to the area and observed another male exit the hotel on the east side and begin running south, attempting re-entrance near the south end of the hotel.

The man saw the officer’s patrol car and began walking toward the officer while waving his hands.

After making his way to the officer, the man said he was in the Shopko parking lot when he witnessed the white male suspect running through the parking lot near the lawn and garden section.

According to the witness’ statement, there was a female with the suspect. He thought they were having some type of altercation, so he tried to go over and help them.

The male suspect took off running, but his boot cast prevented him from moving fast enough.

The subject told the witness Shopko accused him of stealing from the store on a previous date, but he “didn’t do it.”  

While continuing to speak with the witness, the officer observed the male in question run out of the east exit to the hotel. Another male and female who appeared to be Shopko employees were right behind him, chasing him through the east parking lot.

Campus police advised dispatch of the suspect’s last location, the direction in which he was going and a description of his clothing.

According to the report, a short time later a city officer stopped the suspect on Stein Boulevard and Kennedy Avenue.

A black bag was found in a dumpster, containing two revolver handguns, ammunition and syringes.

The campus officer continued to assist to the city officers until ECPD had the situation under control and the suspect was placed in a squad car for transport.

Two men go for a run

Campus police gave a verbal warning to a man causing issues and stalking two other men at approximately 8:08 p.m. on Thursday, while on their run near campus.

The communication center advised campus police to make phone contact with a complainant regarding a check person case that occurred near the 100-block of Water Street.

The officer made contact with the male complainant, who said he and a friend were running along the bicycle trail behind the Haas Fine Arts Center. The complainant said a male subject ran past them, then turned around and confronted him and his friend.

According to the report, the complainant said the male subject ran approximately 10-15 feet ahead of them and then turned around and said, “Smiling, talking, talking, smiling, what’s your problem?”

The subject was identified as a white male, approximately 40 years of age, 6’3” tall, with short dark hair.

According to the report, based on the physical description and actions of the subject, the officer was able to determine who the subject was based on prior contact with him.

The complainant said the male subject kept saying nonsense, and the subject also accused him and his friend of drawing swastikas.

The complainant and his friend tried to run away from the subject, but he continued to follow them and make similar statements. He said the male subject was “getting in their faces” and being confrontational.

According to the report, the complainant and his friend switched directions to avoid the subject, but he continued following them. The friend asked the male subject what his problem was and did not get a logical response.

The complainant said he and his friend ran toward the Haas Fine Arts Center where they observed the subject running northbound toward Owen Park. He and his friend ran across the footbridge to the Hibbard Lot and again were confronted by the male subject.

They ran away from the subject six to seven times in attempt to avoid him.

The complainant told the officer he last saw the male subject running south on State Street approximately an hour before talking to the officer.

He said there was no physical contact or verbal threats passed between anyone, but he was concerned for the male subject’s safety and did feel threatened by his presence and demeanor.

The officer asked the complainant to complete a written statement and asked if he wanted to press charges on the male subject.

The complainant said he did not want to be involved in any enforcement action against the subject.

The officer attempted phone contact with the male subject and left a voice message. At approximately 10:10 p.m. the officer received a phone call from the subject and asked him if he was running near Water Street that day, to which the subject said he was.

After being asked if he was involved in an incident while on his run, the male subject said there were two guys making fun of him. The subject said the two men said to him, “Woah that’s, like, a six-minute pace.”

According to the report, this upset the male subject because he was only running a seven-minute pace and so he confronted the two men because he was angry.

The male subject said he was having a bad day due to personal reasons.

The officer explained to the subject the complainant did not want to press charges against him and warned him for his behavior. The subject was advised to avoid confrontation and ignore statements from other people.

The male subject said he understood and campus police informed him enforcement action would be taken for future incidents.