Police Blotter

Campus police deals with underage drinking and a marijuana complaint

More stories from Stephanie Smith

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Passed out by 10 p.m.

Campus police were dispatched to Towers Hall South due to reports of an unconscious intoxicated male subject on the third floor.

According to the report, at about 10:52 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 27 there was a male student passed out in a women’s bathroom stall who was vomiting due to alcohol consumption.

The officer made contact with the resident assistant on duty who found the had not moved around 10 p.m. while doing nightly rounds.

The hall director tried to wake up the subject by nudging his foot, and after several attempts the unconscious man woke up and provided the hall director with his identification.

Campus police then met with the male subject in the hallway, detecting the odors of alcohol and feces coming from his person.

The subject told the officer he had consumed two Four Loko drinks and that he couldn’t remember when he started drinking or whom he drank with. He admitted to feeling better after vomiting multiple times.

An EMT arrived on scene and began assessing the student. He again advised that he felt a lot better and did not need to be transported to the hospital. The subject ultimately signed a medical refusal to transport form.

The campus police officer asked the man if he would submit to a preliminary breath test and the subject obliged, blowing a .09.

The officer then asked to search the subject’s black gym bag he had been carrying, but did not find anything of interest inside.

The male student was then given a Wisconsin Non-Traffic citation for underage alcohol consumption- first offense. He was charged with a bond amount of $263.50, according to the report, and given an Eau Claire County Alcohol Offender Program pamphlet.

It wasn’t me

Campus police were called to Oak Ridge Hall to investigate a suspected drug case in one of the dorm rooms.

According to the report, at approximately 7 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 27, the R.A. on duty said she could smell the odor of marijuana around the women’s bathroom about 15 minutes prior to the officer’s arrival.

She first smelled the odor near the bathroom, but after continuing to check the area, she pinpointed the odor coming from one room in particular. The R.A. said she was positive the odor was burnt marijuana.

When the officer arrived at the scene, he could not detect the odor near the bathroom nor the specific room.

The officer knocked on the door of the room in question and after about 30 seconds he could hear a female’s voice saying, “Sorry, one sec.”

After permission was given to the officer to enter the room, he still did not detect the odor of burnt marijuana, nor did he see anything of interest in plain view.

According to the report, the officer informed the female student of the complaint, and she looked surprised and told the officer that she had just gotten back to her room from the showers.

The female said she had not smoked any marijuana and the smell was not coming from her room.

The officer confirmed she had the room to herself with no roommate.

Campus police asked if he could complete a brief room search with her presence, but she refused and said she did not feel comfortable allowing him to search her room.

When asked why she thought someone would report the odor of marijuana coming from her room, she told the officer she felt it was because she had gotten in trouble for drinking in the past and that was probably why someone thought it came from her room.

After some more discussion, the officer cleared the room and the female student was free to go about her night.