Blugolds share who they would choose to be president in place of current candidates

From Leonardo Dicaprio to Lady Gaga, not all students are considering Trump or Clinton for president

More stories from Stephanie Smith

Photo by Stephanie Smith

Sophomores Kyle Petras (left) and David Hathaway (right) display their choice for the 2016 presidential election.

It is no secret this upcoming presidential election is controversial, with many people feeling the two main frontrunners, Trump and Clinton, aren’t fit to run this country.

These unhappy people are longing for another option, anyone other than Trump or Clinton. Everyone has a person who they like to look up to and who they would believe would be a great leader.

In light of the approaching election, The Spectator went around the UW-Eau Claire campus and asked students who they would choose for president: Fiction or nonfiction, dead or alive.

Here’s what you told us:

“Bernie Sanders, because I want pot to be legalized.” – Jordan Stelzer, junior, business communication.

“I would choose Leonardo Dicaprio because he just made a brand new documentary and he is very well rehearsed and knows how to address issues the right way to every person.” – Brock Offerdahl, junior, digital marketing and sales.  

“My dad, because he knows what’s best for me, therefore knows what’s best for everyone else.” – Ally Gerndt, sophomore, undeclared.

“Michelle Obama, because she is the epitome of strength, poise and intelligence.” – Addy Jo Kafka, junior, social work.

“I’m going to have to go with my girl Lady Gaga because she slays every day.” – Nicholas Walkowiak, sophomore, psychology.

“I would have to pick Superman, well, because he’s super.” – Maddie Blohm, sophomore, art education.

“I know this is cheesy to say, but I would want Jesus to be the President because no matter what religion you are, he was always compassionate.” – Kyle Petras, sophomore, undeclared.

“Definitely Neil Patrick Harris because he just cares.” – Nate Virnig, senior, biology.

“Not a lot of people know who he is, but I would chose Mario Lemieux. He was a former hockey player and now owner of the Pittsburgh Penguins. He shows great leadership qualities and focuses on the aspects of people.” – David Hathaway, sophomore, business management and marketing.

“Ellen Degeneres would be my pick because she helps others in need. At the end of every show she says ‘Be kind to one another.’” – Rosie Gonzalez, senior, business management.

“Lebron James because the warriors blew a 3-1 lead in the 2016 NBA finals.” – Riley Lytle, sophomore, finance.

“I still want Bernie Sanders to be president, because he was honest and actually a decent person.” – Maddie Wessel, freshman, journalism.

“Aaron Rodgers because he is a great leader for the Packers, which means he would be a great leader for our country.” – Ethan Berkley, freshman, psychology.