A bill in support of a referendum to add a student court to UW-Eau Claire returned to Student Senate after a one-week hiatus and passed 24-0-2 on Monday.
During its previous presentation to the body, discussion focused on what concerned senators most about the bill such as student justice appointments and how much power the court has.
Changes made to the bill include:
Student Senate authorization to write and edit bylaws for the student court
Guidelines for an appointment process
Guidelines for a removal process
During the meeting, support was shown for the new bill and a number of senators commended the author, Academic Affairs Director Adam Sorelle, on the changes.
“I think that the provisions that were added . make this bill stronger,” Sen. Phillip Plager said. “Now, this offers enough information to be able to have a sound construct in what we want in a student court.”
Plager added he thinks it’s necessary to have a separate body for accountability, similar to that of the United States.
Before the bill was passed, Sorelle stressed to the senate that the bill was not meant to interfere with what Student Senate does.
“This is supposed to help us serve the students better,” he said.
The online referendum is scheduled to take place Tuesday, Dec. 1 through Wednesday, Dec. 2, according to the bill.
To view the original and updated bill, visit www.spectatornews.com.