UW-Eau Claire’s fashion club closed out the semester with a bang last weekend. On Sunday, Dec. 9, the group hosted Runway Radio, a music-themed fashion show featuring looks designed by members of the club.
Roughly a dozen models took the runway in Davies Student Center’s Dakota Ballroom, sporting a range of retro, futuristic and new-wave styles. Each model walked out to the song that inspired their ensemble.
While some of the designers modeled their own clothing, others recruited fellow students to showcase their creations.
Sylvie Leach, a fourth-year public history student, is in her second year as president of the fashion club. She said this show was the first of its kind for the group.
“This is our first fashion show. We decided to do a show before the semester started, and as we recruited members, we laid out a plan for them in phases,” Leach said.
Leach said the group began by voting on a theme for the show, then spent the rest of the semester delving into the various elements of fashion design as they prepared their pieces.
While planning the event, the group took time to learn about curating inspiration, runway walking and model selection.
Leach said the club has come a long way from its original structure. She said the group has become more energized and engaged than it was in the past.
“Fashion club has been around for a few years,” Leach said. “My sophomore year, the fashion club was really small — they met briefly online once a month. I felt that there was a better way to reach Eau Claire’s fashion lovers.”
Upon becoming president, Leach said, she aimed to provide more hands-on opportunities for members of the club to connect with one another and experience fashion.
Maxwell Megale, a third-year computer science and marketing student, is vice president of the fashion club. Megale designed and modeled a personal look for the show.
“This is the first time we’ve done something like this. I’m very excited about it,” Megale said.
The club partnered with UW-Eau Claire’s Event Services department to launch the event. Leach and Megale said the collaboration was a positive experience.
“They were super welcoming, and it was really easy to get this going. I’m very thankful for the event services here,” Megale said.
The club members said they intend to host a similar event next semester. In the spring, they will resume their regular meetings from 5-6 p.m. on Thursday evenings in Hibbard Hall, room 229. More information can be found on the club’s Instagram page.
“I think that this was a really fun way to blend things that everybody can relate to,” Leach said. “Everybody wears clothes and nearly everybody likes music. I hope that the student body wants to engage with the fashion club next semester and moving forward. I also hope everybody wears what makes them happy, because it really does make a difference.”
Wojahn can be reached at [email protected].