The Wars of 1812 formed in 2006, recording their debut album Status Quo Ante Bellum in a DePere, Wisc., basement before they ever played a live show.
Almost three years later, they are ending as they began, with a new album awaiting finishing touches. The players announced the band’s dissolution Saturday, saying they were grateful for the support they’ve had.
The Wars of 1812 will take the stage at the Cabin three times this weekend, playing their last shows together (with the exception of a November date in Minneapolis). Drummer Bobby Maher said being able to play three longer sets would be a nice closing.
“It’s going to give us a unique experience to play through our catalogue and enjoy that,” he said.
Status Quo Ante Bellum, despite being recorded so early in the band’s existence, has been met with sterling reviews. Minneapolis-based magazine City Pages listed the debut as the 10th best local album of 2008. The album was described as a mix of Wilco and Spoon, creating an infectious 37 minutes of pure pop-rock.
The four-piece band found its way to Eau Claire’s Amble Down Records in January 2008 and has been with them ever since.
Amble Down Records founder Kyle Frenette said he believes the members of the Wars of 1812 will continue to find success in music.
“Status Quo will stand as a great album,” he said.
Currently, vocalist and guitarist Peter Pissano is slated to release a solo project with help from Laarks’ drummer Brian Moen.
“I’m definitely not done with music,” said Maher, who runs his own Minneapolis-based record label.
Many questions are still in the air regarding the newly recorded sophomore effort by The Wars of 1812, but the album will definitely be released, Maher said.
The new album will have a very different sound due to the band being more experienced playing with each other. he said.
“It’s very much a whole different beast,” Maher said.
Wars of 1812 will be the fourth Amble Down band to grace the Cabin this year, the previous being We Are The Willows, The Cloud Hymn and Cranes & Crows. Frenette said he attended an open stage night last year and was impressed by the sizable crowd of students.
The Wars of 1812 will play at 11:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. on Friday, and 8 p.m. on Saturday.