Editorial Board

Should the bill to allow conceal carry weapons inside academic buildings be passed?


Last week, The Spectator reported on Student Senate’s decision to oppose a bill that would allow those with concealed carry permits to have firearms inside buildings on UW college and technical campuses.

With the current state law in place, those who are CCA certified can already possess firearms on college campuses but not inside buildings. The bill to allow this addition is currently being debated.

UW-Eau Claire’s Student Senate traveled to Madison, WI last week to hand-deliver copies of the resolution to legislators, according to The Spectator article.

Members of the editorial staff agreed with many points stated in the article as to why this bill should not be passed.

“I would much rather have the university students not be prepared for a shooter and have no means of protecting themselves, and have one crazy individual come in and have a gun than a gun fight breaking out,” one staff member said.

Many members of the staff also believed that regardless of certification, all CCA individuals do not properly know how to deal with an active shooter situation and moving targets. The staff agreed that this information alone makes them feel less safe in a possible campus shooting situation if this bill were to pass.

Members of the staff were also concerned that it would pose a risk in regards to suicides on campus as well.

“These guns would also be allowed in residence halls too so that wouldn’t make the issue of mental health just a classroom problem but a residence hall problem as well,” another member said.

Members were in agreement with the article which stated that university students who are dealing with mental health issues may feel unsafe on campus where firearms are allowed in classrooms and residence halls.

The editorial staff voted 7-0 that the bill should not pass.