Mayhem with Martha

Mainstream advertising embraces realistic society

Story by Martha Landry, Editor in Chief

On Monday, Honey Maid launched a new commercial with a “This is Wholesome” tagline. The ad featured modern, real life couples — a gay couple, an interracial couple and a straight couple with tattoos and a “rougher” look to them.

The families are holding hands, kissing babies, loving life and having fun. It is lighthearted and wholesome; just as making s’mores and eating Teddy Grahams is. (Unless you were one of the kids who bit the head of the teddy off first to be brutal.)

The modern advertising isn’t completely new, but it was still a breath of fresh air. I want to applaud the societal (and advertising) shift that is openly accepting what the U.S. actually looks like.

An article on Advertising Age stated, “according to U.S. Census data from 2010, one in 10 -— or 5.4 million — opposite-sex couples are interracial, a 28 percent rise since 2000. According to the data, the number of same-sex-couple households in the U.S. was 646,000, up 9 percent from 2000.”

Companies have been displaying single parents, interracial couples and modern families for the past few years, but I continuously hear … not complaints but commentary about what it ‘means.’

Philadelphia Cream Cheese had released a commercial for a pasta sauce additive featuring a single mother and it was a topic for conversation.

A few weeks ago, Buzzfeed posted an article about updating stock photos of women and it was shared everywhere on social media. I found it beautiful to see women of all races, all body types, with babies on their hips or baseball bats in their hands featured in mainstream media advertising. They represented the society we actually live in.

Sometimes I forget that I am swaddled and snuggly in my UW-Eau Claire Gen-Y bubble. The rest of the world might not be as do-whatever-makes-you-happy as some of my peers and myself, but I think we can all agree that someday our actual society will be accurately represented in the media.

I appreciate any step forward. Cheers to anyone who is involved with the progress towards acceptance of all in this world we all share.