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The official student newspaper of University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire since 1923.

The Spectator

The official student newspaper of University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire since 1923.

The Spectator

The official student newspaper of University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire since 1923.

The Spectator

Getting my diagnosis at 20 was the most validating moment of my life, but it also made me sad.

My ADHD diagnosis, long overdue

Story by Kyra Price, Managing Editor
May 1, 2023
How do I go straight into my three summer jobs, internships and grad school applications while searching my suitcase for the lost American identity I’d packed away the day I arrived in Spain?

Across the Pond

Story by Grace Schutte, OP/ED Editor
May 4, 2022
Mental health in isolation

Mental health in isolation

Story by Grace Olson, Currents Editor
May 3, 2021
Mental health in isolation

Mental health in isolation

Story by Grace Olson, Currents Editor
April 12, 2021
Mental health in isolation

Mental health in isolation

Story by Grace Olson, Currents Editor
February 8, 2021
Screaming On the Inside

Screaming On the Inside

Story by Madeline Fuerstenberg, Freelance Writer
October 21, 2019
Growing Up

Growing Up

Story by Bridget Kelley, Freelance Writer
March 20, 2019
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