John McCain once again voiced his opposition to the Obamacare repeal

The senator’s vote highlights the need for unity in finding a healthcare solution.

More stories from Nicole Bellford


Republican Senator John McCain plans to vote against his own party once again in their efforts to repeal the ACA.

All eyes were on Senator John McCain this summer as he voted “thumbs down” in the conservative effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), leaving the Republican Senate once again unsuccessful in bidding farewell to Obamacare.

Months later, it looks as though history will repeat itself.

According to the New York Times, McCain has again voiced his opposition to the Senate’s latest proposal to repeal the ACA, leaving Republicans scrambling for enough votes to be successful. The Senator said he could not, “in good conscience,” vote in favor of the repeal.

McCain issued a statement emphasizing his desire for both political parties to work together in crafting a proper health care program rather than battling against one another.

“I believe we could do better working together, Republicans and Democrats, and have not yet really tried,” McCain said. “Nor could I support it without knowing how much it will cost, how it will affect insurance premiums and how many people will be helped or hurt by it.”

Although I have not always agreed with Mr. McCain’s political ideas, I am both impressed and proud of the senator’s efforts to find a solution to the American health care crisis that is beneficial to both parties and helpful to all citizens, regardless of political affiliation or social class.

What people need to understand about McCain’s opposition vote is what it actually means. He is not saying he supports Obamacare. The senator is saying he will not stand for the Republicans utilizing the health care vote as a battle grounds for making a statement to Democrats.

This vote isn’t about “fighting back” or “revenge.” It should be about finding an impactful solution and making sure as many Americans as possible have access to proper care.

“We should not be content to pass healthcare legislation on a party-line basis, as Democrats did when they rammed Obamacare through Congress in 2009,” McCain said. “If we do so, our success could be as short-lived as theirs when the political winds shift, as they regularly do.”

McCain couldn’t be more correct. The events of Obamacare left the nation torn apart and in utter disagreement on how to best address health care. If this repeal passes, it will simply prove our nation has not grown or learned from our mistakes in the past decade.

We cannot repeal the current health care program without crafting a solution to this political divide. Trumpcare is not the solution, but merely the continuation of an argument that will not dissipate until both parties move past their pride and work together for the sake of the American people.

It is time for the White House to make a statement of unity rather than division. Health care revisions must no longer be associated with conservative or liberal ideals, but rather American ideals.

McCain has it right. When our nation can move past the unnecessary political labeling and join hands in fighting for the rights of all citizens, we will have success. One can only hope more politicians will reach the same revelation.