Great Debate

Astrological signs: the new or the old?

More stories from Nicole Bellford

More stories from Elizabeth Gosling

The new

In the world of science, constant research and fresh discoveries allow the field to be ever-changing. When such changes come about, we as a society are encouraged to welcome the new information and incorporate it into our daily lives accordingly.

Specifically, in the case of NASA’s proposal of a brand new zodiac sign, the status quo of scientific acceptance should be no different.

Now that NASA has revealed that there are 13 zodiac signs rather than 12, a decent chunk of the population will be forced to take on altered astrological identities. For those driven by their daily horoscopes, this may appear to be a devastating blow.

Nonetheless, ladies and gentlemen, the stars have spoken. And it’s time to accept the facts.

For those born between Nov. 29 to Dec. 17, congratulations! Your zodiac sign now aligns with the debut 13th constellation, Ophiucus. This shouldn’t be something to mourn over by any means, but rather a reason to celebrate! The same goes for any horoscope lover with a birthday that has been grouped into a different zodiac subgroup.

Ophiucus’ entrance into the zodiac constellation club might present some change into your usual horoscope routine. However, I encourage those affected to take a look at the bright side.

Perhaps with a fresh horoscope label, the constellations will finally claim you are astrologically compatible with that cutie in your math class. Maybe your brand new zodiac will contain a handful of personality traits that you always thought were missing from your previous identity. Not to mention, some horoscope lovers are likely experiencing an upgrade in terms of their updated zodiac symbols (I recently became a Leo, and let me tell you, it feels great to be a lion).

Overall, if NASA has the scientific evidence to provide for a change in the zodiac game, I stand by accepting the facts, rather than finding the fault in our stars.

—Nicole Bellford, Copy Editor

The old

For years, I have believed in my horoscope, Aries. This reliable sign in the far off universe has been my guide for what seems I have based every decision. Lipstick, eyeliner, friendships, you name it. I had to base everything off of the sky.

And it is not just me. People of all astrological signs wait just until the perfect day to propose, apply for a job, or get a pet. Life decisions count on astrology.

Then, just earlier this year, NASA declared there were 13 signs instead of 12, completely throwing off the cycle of all the other horoscopes. Therefore, if you were an Aries, you could have been a Pisces all along.

This is an identity changer. Aries and Pisces were totally different but now we can just switch identities? That is a no, no, NASA.

First, how could the sky change its mind? Did suddenly just forget that humans roam the earth, looking up to the stars for guidance and a path?

Luckily, later on NASA made a statement that astronomy does not equal astrology, saying 3,000 years ago when the Babylonians studied the sky, they did not include an extra horoscope because the math was a little off. However, your sign is still your old sign.

Thank goodness, NASA. I can still believe that this month, I will make a new friend and be more fit.

Thinking of the old signs, how could anyone change their sign? Each sign has something special and unique, and unless you want to completely redefine yourself and your values, what do you have to lose?

The astrological community has been through a lot. You can sometimes tell if people are similar because of their horoscopes. A good friend of mine has in fact, judged that she is not compatible with some people because of their sign.

I mean, if you are in the burning bridges business, you already switched your sign and abandoned your sign family. See ya later, alligator.

—Elizabeth Gosling, Copy Editor