Clinton’s bluntness may have cost her the election

Hillary Clinton lost the election by alienating opposing candidate’s supporters

More stories from Sadie Sedlmayr

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Jake Tapper’s spoke with Kellyanne Conway and Robby Mook on CNN’s State of the Union on why he felt his candidate lost the election.

Recently, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, acknowledged to Jake Tapper during a special edition of CNN’s State of the Union, that the former secretary of state lost the election due to her alienation of voters when she called them “deplorables” for supporting the Republican presidential nominee.

“Hillary apologized right away after that and said that she misspoke and that she regretted the comment,” Mook said.

He said Clinton made a comment that was no different than what our new president-elect would say, and he is right. If the Republican Party nominee can get away with saying and doing whatever, why can’t it be the same for the Democratic Party nominee? It’s quite hypocritical if you ask me, that voters would look down on Clinton for calling it as she see’s it, but not do the same in return if the roles were reversed.

Clinton sparked controversy at a September fundraiser in New York when she maligned “half” of the Republican party supporters, going as far as to say that they are “irredeemable.”

She called them almost every name in the book.

“Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it,” Clinton said.

Mook said he thinks it definitely could have alienated some voters.

The simple fact of the matter is, Clinton wasn’t required to do any type of damage control with voters. Perhaps they were offended because what she was saying wasn’t that far off. Perhaps anyone who supports any type of hate, bigotry, xenophobic, bullying or harassment of any kind is disgraceful.

The truth can also, however, get you into murky waters. It seems that nowadays no one can say anything without someone getting offended. If this election has taught me anything it’s that living in a politically correct world has consequences, especially if you’re a woman.

To lose an election because you spoke on what one believes is devastating to say the least. When Clinton commented on the Republican party’s followers, it was perhaps the most genuine moment in the entirety of her campaign. Raw and real appeal was shown to the world and her supporters. Yet, she was punished for it in the end.

From the Democratic campaign, Diane Hessan studied how undecided voters were responding to Clinton’s political address.

She wrote an op-ed in the Boston Globe sharing reflections from her study, which showed the reaction to the “deplorables” was stronger than when FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to Congress saying they were probing to see if additional emails on the laptop of one her top aides could have an impact on a closed investigation.

There has been evidence to show the darker, line-blurring social opinions of many cabinet members who will be in the White House for the next four years. How is it that an independent, powerful woman who isn’t afraid to speak her mind has to step down? The saying is true; we can’t all have nice things.

Please don’t mistake my disdain for “’the deplorables” being our new leaders of this country as me being oblivious to Clinton’s laundry list of corrupt acts she’s done over the years while in politics. She is by no means innocent. The personal emails she sent out on a private email server for official communications violated State Department protocols and procedures, as well as federal laws and regulations governing recordkeeping.

Clinton’s secrecy on the whole matter is what threw me off originally, as well as many other voters, but is what she did any worse than the other party’s acts? Why are her wrong-doing’s frowned upon more-so than others? I don’t want to say that people are chauvinist when it comes to what women can and cannot get away with, but if the shoe fits.

Clinton shouldn’t regret saying what she said if there is evidence to back up her claims. She should be able to stand in her truth like her Republican opponent could all throughout the campaign.

Hopefully, Clinton finds the closure and answers she needs in regards to losing the electoral college votes and, eventually, finds some peace of mind moving forward from what was an upsetting election for many.