Packers vs Vikings

More stories from Sadie Sedlmayr

More stories from Anne Sandell

Wisconsin is known for three things: cheese, beer and football. When thinking of the latter, what team is the first to come to mind? The answer should be easy; they’re also the most popular team in the NFL league.

You’re right on the money if you guessed the Green Bay Packers.

Statistically speaking, the proof is in the pudding. The Packers have won the Super Bowl, while the Vikings have not. 13 World league championships to be exact, the most in NFL history. It’s clear the Packers know how to play football better than the Vikings do: as a team.

The winning record of the Packers versus Vikings is also something to take into consideration. I mean, need I remind you of the 58 total wins of the Packers to the 49 total wins of the Vikings as well? (ahem, dismal).

The receivers, running backs and quarterbacks in Green Bay are better as well, because of their popularity. This is due, in part, to the team coaches. They fulfill their roles more so than the Vikings through their capability of making the right decisions in trading (insert the football legend known as Brett Favre).

Because of the coaching staff at Green Bay, a star-quarterback was born. They made him into the legend he was and still is to this day. Thanks to the Packers, Favre was prepared to win his 11th Pro Bowls and surpass, when signed to their team, the Vikings defensive end Jim Marshall’s position.

When speaking of team players, Packers win. I hear more favorable press about the Packers’ starting line-up than I do about the Vikings. I don’t know about you, but it’s is easier for me to name the likes of Aaron Rodgers and Clay Matthews than it is for me to name team-members from the Vikings. In fact, I can’t think of a single player on that rival team.

Packers games, regardless of teams performance, are known to sell out often. It has a lot to do with its popularity amongst the fans. Whereas the Vikings aren’t known for their selling out of stadiums.

Unlike the Vikings, the Packers are community owned. It is the only NFL team to be invested by with the fans, instead of some local billionaire. This is why the Packers are the only worthy team to root for come game day.


—Sadie Sedlmayr, Staff Writer


Nobody likes a sore loser, or that arrogant jerk that can’t give credit where credit is due.

Last year, the Vikings took the NFC North by storm, showing everyone that no matter how many consecutive years you’ve held the division title or how many Super Bowl rings your team may have (cough, Packers); you can still lose to a team without any Super Bowl titles at all.

As always, Packers fans called the title loss a fluke. They flaunted their old Super Bowl rings and asked Vikings fans “When was the last time your team went to the Super Bowl?”

While the Packers cling to the past, the Vikings have continued to look to the future.

Vikings defense has gone from 30th to 5th in the NFL in terms of points per game allowed. On Sunday, the Vikings defense scored twice in a game. That’s improvement worth keeping an eye out for.

Their offense, while rocked by the loss of Teddy Bridgewater due to a shocking injury, has continued to power through despite uncertainty; picking up Sam Bradford and refusing to write the season off as a loss. They refuse to quit, time and time again.

The Vikings and their fans aren’t shouting to the rooftops that they will go 16-0 this season. They aren’t expecting to win every game or face zero adversities this coming season. But they aren’t saying it’s impossible, either.

While the Packers may believe they are the “Greatest team in the NFL,” it’s better to be humble. It’s a new season, with new players and even a new stadium. Instead of admiring Aaron Rodgers’ every move, maybe Packers fans should keep an eye on the team next door.

Haven’t you heard the saying “everyone loves an underdog,” Packers?


— Anne Sandell, Chief Copy Editor


Editor’s note: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated the Green Bay Packers drafted Brett Favre. The Atlanta Falcons actually drafted Favre, then traded him to the Packers.