Student Senate

12 senators appointed to at-large seats

Maddie Kasper

More stories from Maddie Kasper

The Student Senate meeting began at 6:02 p.m. on Monday.

President Rossellin Gaitán said they will be attending a shared governance meeting with leadership from the University Staff Council and University Senate to share current initiatives and decide where collaboration is needed.

Vice President Brett Farmer said the senate will be tabling from 1 to 2 p.m. on Friday, March 3 in the Student Senate office for Admitted Students Day.

“We’re going to tell people about senate and explain our commissions, just because these are admitted students that are coming here next year and we want them to get a better idea of what Student Senate does,” Farmer said.

Equity in Student Matters commission Senate Director Josh Holness encouraged students and community members to attend Black Essence held from 5 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 28 in Ojibwe Grand Ballroom. 

Intergovernmental Affairs commission Director Hannah Kelly said the Chippewa Valley Rally has officially been rescheduled to Wednesday, March 29, after it was postponed because of inclement weather.

Farmer said Chancellor James Schmidt wants more student representation at the Chippewa Valley Rally to lobby for the new science and health sciences building.

“(Schmidt) told us himself that he would like any sort of student perspective, especially students who will be utilizing that building or have utilized Phillips and understand how necessary it is to get a new building,” Farmer said.

Students interested in lobbying at the Chippewa Valley Rally can contact Kelly at [email protected]

University Activities commission Director Zach Jacobson said “Little Women” will be shown at 7 p.m. on March 2-4 in the Woodland Theater and Jeremy Messersmith will be performing from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Friday, March 3 in The Cabin.

Monday’s meeting was the fifth in-a-row with no new legislation introduced. Gaitán said directors and senators are working on legislation, but nothing is currently ready.

“We don’t want to put out legislation just to put out legislation, we want it to be meaningful,” Gaitán said. “I think people have been getting their feet back on the ground and finding out what it is we want to do second semester.”

Farmer said all legislation passed this session has been meaningful and actionable, but the current 66th session approaches issues differently than the 65th session did.

“Last year any member of senate saw any issue or problem and they just wrote something to address it and put it in front of the body,” Farmer said. “This year we have seen none of that, especially these new senators, they just haven’t seen that and don’t understand they can address an issue just with a piece of legislation.”

Sara Multhauf, Ben Calcutt, Diana Abarca Palma, Angie Elizalde, Logan Ackerman, Lily Eisele, Peter Mayer, Abby Wennersten, Sierra Szydel, Danny Karofsky, Cora Martin and Kaitlyn Hevrin were sworn in as at-large senators.

Vacancy interviews were held by the vacancy committee chaired by Farmer. Gaitán, Senate Personnel Director Anakah Denison, Holness, Senator Sam Consiglo and Senator Matthew Lehner all sit on the committee.

“Every single interview mentioned something specific that they can do or take action on as a senator,” Farmer said. “Lots of ambition and ideas, new perspectives and demographics.”

Academic Affairs commission Director Sahana Suresh was appointed to the College of Business assurance of learning committee, Ackerman was appointed to the recreation committee and Pablo Center development committee, Karofsky was appointed to the EDI advisory counsel and Calcutt was appointed to the dining committee.

Farmer said there are still a few vacant senate seats, but there will be no more vacancy appointments with the upcoming senate election.

The senate adjourned at 6:50 p.m. and will reconvene at 6 p.m. on Monday, March 6 in the Dakota Ballroom.

Kasper can be reached at [email protected].