Graffiti, a fire alarm and a discarded bicycle
Graffiti by the River
On Oct. 16 at approximately 12:55 a.m., an officer received a call from the campus Safe Walk employees. They reported that they had seen graffiti on a pillar under the campus pedestrian bridge by the Chippewa River Trail.
The officer went to the area and met with two Chief Safety Officers. They showed the officer the graffiti on the south side of the pillar facing the bike path.
The graffiti was light green writing that said “MAVA” in two places, as well as a squiggle and a line. The CSOs also recalled a recent graffiti case in which “MAVA” had been written on several campus signs.
The officer photographed the graffiti and then checked the north side of the pillar, facing the river, where there was similar graffiti.
“MAVA” was written five times on the pillar in addition to previously-existing graffiti.
The officer later looked up recent graffiti cases in her department and saw a recent case involving the word “MAVA.”
Dodgeball Gone Rogue
On Oct. 20 at approximately 4:05 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the McPhee Physical Education Center in regard to a fire alarm.
The Communication Center said that the alarm was showing “general fire alarm,” and no other information was provided. They said that the Eau Claire Fire Department’s Truck Five and Engine Two were on the way.
When the officer arrived at the McPhee Center, he was greeted by the UW-Eau Claire wrestling coach. The coach said that the team was participating in a friendly dodgeball match.
The coach advised that a dodgeball went rogue and hit the unprotected fire alarm pull station in the wrestling room. He said that the fire alarm activation was an accident, and no emergency existed.
The officer notified the Communication Center of this information to communicate to responding Eau Claire Fire Department personnel.
The officer went to the fire alarm pull station that had been accidentally hit and reset it without any issues.
Bicycle Damage
The officer went to the main fire alarm panel within the breezeway of the McPhee Center and Olson Addition and reset the fire alarm system without any issues.
He relayed this information to the Eau Claire Fire Department’s Truck Five that had arrived on scene, then answered their questions and cleared the scene.
On Oct. 20 at 4:30 a.m., an officer was driving along block 100 of Garfield Avenue when they observed an abandoned bicycle lying in the shrubs in front of Schofield Hall.
There was nobody in the vicinity of the bicycle or in the surrounding area. The officer identified the bicycle as a 21-speed, blue Mongoose-brand mountain bike.
The bicycle’s rear wheel was damaged with the inflation tube separated from the wheel and partially wrapped around the seat and chain.
The officer did not observe any owner information anywhere on the bicycle. They ran the bicycle’s serial number through the Communication Center, and it did not return as stolen.
The officer transported the bicycle to the Facilities Management metal dumpster and disposed of it.
Price can be reached at [email protected].

Kyra Price is a fourth-year psychology and public health student. This is her sixth semester on The Spectator. In her free time, she likes to spend obscene amounts of money on concerts and start most of her sentences with, "When I was in England."