Senate passes bill on curbside composting

Transgender Day of Resilience and Transgender Awareness Week also discussed Bridget Kelley

Bridget Kelley

More stories from Bridget Kelley

Staffing in Senate
November 3, 2021

Student Senate reconvened this week and discussed recognizing Transgender Day of Resilience and passed a bill regarding composting for off-campus students. 

Maddie Loeffler, director of the Student Office of Sustainability, reintroduced Bill 65-B-1. This bill was previously tabled over concerns of compliance with UW System Administrative Policy 820,  particularly with the involvement of Earthbound Environmental Solutions.

The bill details an allotment of $16,000 for curbside composting for off-campus students, provided through Earthbound. 

Loeffler said the UW-System and UW-Eau Claire administration doesn’t want to move forward with off-campus composting, but rather focus on on-campus composting. 

Loeffler said that on-campus composting is often contaminated, rendering it unable to fulfill its intended purpose. However, Loeffler said that it is easier to mitigate this contamination on a small scale. 

Campus administration did not offer specific or tangible alternatives for on-campus composting.

Loeffler said she decided to bring the bill to the body, still, and leave it up to the Senate whether or not the bill passes. 

“I didn’t want to be the one who censors us,” she said. 

An amendment was made to the bill to verify that all students signing up for the program are current UW-Eau Claire students. 

The bill passed by a vote of 24-2-2. 

The next matter of business was Resolution 65-R-17, which is in support of including action items in recognition legislation. Senator Josh Holness introduced the resolution, saying that the Senate’s recognition legislation — usually a resolution recognizing a date, week or month supporting a specific community — is often “performative,” as there is often no action associated with the resolution. 

The resolution passed by a vote of 24-0-2.

Holness introduced another piece of legislation, Resolution 65-R-18, in support of Transgender Awareness Week and Transgender Day of Resilience. 

Holness talked about the shift from Transgender Day of Remembrance to Transgender Day of Resilience — both of which are celebrated on Nov. 20. Transgender Day of Resilience shifts the focus to the support of transgender people. 

Holness included both a content warning and a list of support resources in the resolution. 

The resolution passed by a vote of 25-0-2.

President Jaden Mikoulinskii said there would be a candidate for the vacant Chief of Staff position presenting before the body on Nov. 22. The vacancy was discussed at last week’s meeting, where the Senate body voted to suspend a portion of the bylaws in order to widen the hiring pool for the position.  

Bailey Carruthers, Intergovernmental Affairs Director, said that as of Oct. 28, the wait at Counseling Services for an intake appointment is until mid-December. Counseling is paid for by student segregated fees. Carruthers said the IGA commission is working to compile a resource list of third-party mental health services that are not affiliated with the university in order to help students who are in need of these services. 

Carruthers also mentioned the potential for senators to take a trip next spring to lobby in the state legislature. 

Loeffler said the projected date for the reusable clamshells for the implementation of the Blubox program is Dec. 6. Loeffler also said S.O.S. is offering free menstrual cups to all students who want one. 

The meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m. and the general assembly will reconvene at its standing meeting time at 6 p.m. next Monday, Nov. 15 in the Dakota Ballroom.

Kelley can be reached at [email protected].