Off-campus parking regulations set in as winter season starts

Thanks to snow events, parking in the winter has more limitations

More stories from Ryan Huling

Photo by Can Stock Photography

Be sure to check alternate street parking regulations this winter.

Winter has arrived and the alternate side-street parking regulations have already been put into effect due to heavy snowfall.

Whenever there is heavy snow in the area, like there had been on Monday, Dec. 3, notice of a “snow event” will be released by the city of Eau Claire six hours prior to the off-campus parking regulations being put into effect. After those six hours, the parking regulations will last for 72 hours.

Here’s what the regulations restrict:

  • On odd numbered days, cars must be parked, stopped or left standing on the side of the street with odd number addresses.
  • On even numbered days, cars must be parked, stopped or left standing on the side of the street with even number addresses.

These regulations are put in place to allow snow plows to clear the roads. With cars only on one side of the road, they can clear more of the road in a shorter amount of time. Failure to follow regulations will result in a $30 ticket.

“The parking regulations definitely make me want to walk more often,” Abbey Keister, a second-year music education student, said. “I’m scared I will miss a snow event announcement and get ticketed.”

“I am a little confused by why a snow emergency status lasts three days,” Keister continued. “It seems a little excessive.”

The regulations are only in effect from midnight to 5 p.m., so parking on either side of the street after this time frame is acceptable.

If unsure whether or not there’s a snow event in effect, information is available at or the city’s Twitter and Facebook pages.

Huling can be reached at [email protected].