Police Blotter
Campus police dealt with a group of students smoking and drinking this week
More stories from Anne Sandell
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Two students chose to enter the Eau Claire County Diversion program and one was issued a second offense underage drinking citation by campus police this past weekend.
At around 12:51 a.m. Friday, campus police were conducting foot patrol behind McPhee Center near Simpson Field. The officer heard individuals talking and detected the odor of marijuana in the area, observing three males next to the green athletics department storage shed.
Upon making contact with the subjects, officers observed one male seated on the ground with a small plastic container with an exercise supplement or performance powder label.
The officer observed another male holding a disposable plastic water bottle that contained a dark-colored liquid. A third subject was standing next to the two men.
Campus police explained their reason for contact, informing the subjects they had detected the odor of marijuana in the area. The officer pointed to the small container next to the subject on the ground.
The subject told the officer the container belonged to him and contained illegal items. According to the report, the officer later opened the container and discovered it contained marijuana and drug paraphernalia.
The officer also observed a backpack on the ground, which the subject also said was his, but upon searching the backpack found it contained no illegal items. Campus police then spoke to each of the subjects individually.
The first subject admitted to using marijuana outside of the storage shed and stated all of the items the officer collected belonged to him.
The second subject told police he went looking for a friend in the area. The officer asked him if he was concerned for the welfare of his friend, and he stated he was not and believed his friend had gone off campus.
Campus police then asked the subject if he had used marijuana by the storage shed. At first, the subject admitted to smoking marijuana roughly two hours earlier, but then admitted to police he used marijuana outside next to the shed before their arrival.
According to the report, the subject told police he had at least one “hit” of marijuana from a pipe.
The third subject, who had been observed holding a water bottle that contained a dark-colored liquid, told the officers he had not used marijuana.
He told campus police the last time he had marijuana was around two weeks earlier, when he accidentally ate a marijuana brownie.
While speaking with the third subject, campus police detected the odor of intoxicants. When asked if he had consumed alcohol recently, the subject admitted to consuming alcohol at about 8 p.m. Thursday night.
The subject told police he had been drinking vodka and the plastic bottle he had been holding contained alcohol. The officer detected the odor of intoxicants coming from the bottle and disposed of the liquid on the ground.
After speaking to each subject individually, the officer spoke to the three of them as a group. He informed the subjects they would be taking enforcement action against all three of them.
The officer took possession of the plastic container that contained the illegal items and escorted the three subjects to the patrol vehicle.
The subject that had admitted to alcohol consumption, completed a preliminary breath test and a result of .06 was obtained. The communication center informed the officer the subject had one prior alcohol consumption conviction in the previous year.
The officer issued the subject a second offense underage alcohol consumption citation and answered the subjects questions.
The other two subjects agreed to participate in the Eau Claire County Diversion Program, as an alternative to other enforcement options.
After the three subjects cleared the area, campus police transported the illegal items obtained to the property room.
Upon emptying the plastic container the subject possessed, the officer observed a glass pipe, a “one hitter” glass pipe, a plastic bag containing green plant material, a lighter and numerous other plastic bags which contained burnt material and green plant shake material.
The items were photographed and the officer completed a property card for the necessary items, disposing the items that contained no evidentiary value into a garbage can.