Trampled, tased and pushed: Black Friday madness continues

Thanksgiving sales brought large crowds eager to find the best deals on the shelves

More stories from Bri Hageman

Photo by Bri Hageman

Kabelitz proudly shows off her black Friday steal, after a disastrous shopping trip.

With most stores opening not on Friday itself, but Thanksgiving day, many locations competed to push out the best deals on Black Friday. Despite the early shopping times, the holiday still carried out it’s crazy flare as it has in the past.

Freshman journalism and communications student Hannah Kabelitz, said her Black Friday shopping quickly turned dangerous.

Kabelitz journeyed to Costco in the early hours of Friday with her mother in hopes to score a TV for her dorm room. The deals for televisions were cheap, meaning many people waited for hours to get the bargain. As she entered the hectic chaos, she stumbled upon the TV she always hoped for and proceeded to place it in her cart. Soon after, a woman behind her snatched it out of the cart and tried to walk away with it. It was a battle for this cheap electronic, until the fierce competition pulled out pepper spray and Kabelitz backed off immediately.

“I luckily found a different TV because there were many left. I am proud that I walked out with anything at all,” Kabelitz said. “I am never going Black Friday shopping ever again. No money saved was worth the chaos.”

The Spectator asked students around campus if they experienced similar horror stories on Black Friday, here are their battles:

“I was at Walmart really early Friday morning when I witnessed a woman battling a crowd to get the last flat screen TV. Just as she grabbed it, a man came up behind her and tased her. She fell to the ground as he took the TV and ran away. She got trampled by the crazy crowd and the ambulance ended up coming to take her to the hospital because she broke her arm. I stood in the camera aisle witnessing this horror, leaving immediately after because people are crazy.”

– Kurt Haugen, freshman, nursing student.

“I went to Kohl’s with my grandma on Black Friday, which was probably a huge mistake. You don’t think Kohl’s would be that crazy because it already has great discounts on a day-to-day basis, right? Wrong. My grandma and I were walking with a shopping cart, where she put her purse. A lady came running up to our cart and grabbed my grandma’s purse and started to bolt away. Luckily, she didn’t get far because she tripped over a display aisle and security came to escort her out. A cashier at the store later told us that the lady is forever banned from coming in the store ever again. Not like it matters to us because we are never going Black Friday shopping in Kohl’s ever again.”

– Emily Day, freshman, nursing student.

“I went Black Friday shopping with my mom for the past three years to guard the cart while she goes shopping. Someone tried stealing some stuff from the cart when I was pushing it down an aisle, so I pushed the cart forcefully into the person to get them to back away. She immediately left and move onto someone else’s cart.”

– Austin Van Cleave, freshman, psychology student.

“A little girl ran up to her mom with a “Magic Mike” DVD, asking who Mike was with excitement in her eyes. Her mom told her sternly that it was nobody she needed to know and took it out of her grasps. My mom and I were roaring with laughter. Kid’s should not go out on Black Friday.”   

– Laurel Friede, freshman, interior design student.