When someone hears the phrase, “Nowhere and Everywhere,” one may relate it to the song recorded by The Beatles of a similar name, “Here, There and Everywhere.”
This time, “Nowhere and Everywhere” is the theme for the current art exhibition taking place at the Eau Claire Regional Arts Center.
This art exhibition is bringing two artists’ who are also professors in the UW System: Lisa Bigalke, a professor at UW-Parkside, and Jill Olm, assistant professor of painting and drawing at UW-Eau Claire.
“Both artists deal with pattern-making and how as human beings we create patterns, symbols, maps to describe where we are at,” said David Brock, gallery coordinator.
Brock also said that they both also deal with their environment in a personal way.
He said Bigalke shows through her artwork places that she actually had been in a journal-like way, while Olm refers to places that people have been collectively.
Olm’s artwork was done directly on the walls of the Eau Claire Regional Arts Center, which are drawings and paintings made of Sharpie markers and latex house paint. Olm also mentioned that she only had four days to create the work.
“Drawing on the wall has a sense of fun in that we usually get in trouble for it, but that is why it us so tempting, right?” Olm said.
Comparing her work to Bigalke’s work, Olm said, “(both of our) work compliments each other’s in interesting ways . both share an affinity for color, line and abstraction.”
Brock enhanced the importance of bringing art to the community and the importance of art in people’s lives.
“People need art, as simple as that. It challenges, reinforces, excites, enhances, comforts,” Brock said.
Olm highlighted the great artwork being made in Wisconsin and how the ECRAC has a great space to show them to the public.
“It is great when the audience can come to an art exhibition with open minds and open eyes and allow themselves to see the world around them in new ways,” Olm said.
Brock said it’s important for Eau Claire students and the community to attend and check out what is going on culturally in Eau Claire by going to the exhibition.
“Challenging oneself is something everyone should do,” Brock said. “Artwork is a great way to do that.”
Also, he said it’s a good way to support the professors of the universities.
“(They can) see what they do professionally outside their academic lives,” Brock said.
Olm said since she uses common materials in her artwork, different people from all ages will enjoy the exhibition.
“I hope that by using these materials and this mode of working, it allows the work to be accessible to a wide range of people,” Olm said.
For more information, visit eauclairearts.com