With tracks on iTunes and concerts at college campuses across the country, one local band returning to Eau Claire is ready to take over more than its hometown.
“We the Living” will perform with “Windsor Drive” and “Cameras Can’t Lie” at 9 p.m. Saturday at The Stones Throw, 304 Eau Claire St.
Co-owner and booking agent Andrew Pernsteiner said the Madison-based band “We the Living” played at The Stones Throw eight months ago and thought they had a phenomenal show.
“Their performance had high energy,” he said. “Some groups don’t have charisma, but ‘We the Living’ has great stage presence,” he said.
Freshman Alyssa Collura was able to catch “We the Living” in her hometown of Neenah and she really enjoyed the concert.
“I thought they sounded just like the CD,” she said.
Last time the band played at Stones Throw the crowd wasn’t too familiar with the band but they left with a good experience, adding that the group does more than just a play a show. They had even put together their own light show, Pernsteiner said.
The main focus of “We the Living” is to get recognized. In order to achieve this, the band has hit the ground doing hard work, said Scott Austin, manager to “We the Living” and CEO of the Authentik Music Group.
The group keeps returning to Eau Claire to help build a fan base city by city.
Austin feels it is important to have fans in all areas, not just the big cities. Eau Claire is located in between Minneapolis and Milwaukee, making it an ideal stop on tours, Austin said.
Stearns also said that most bands only appeal to the 14 to 18 year old age group, while they hope to appeal to 14 to 40 year olds.
When talking about “We the Living,” Austin said their mentality about music is what separates them from other groups.
“‘We the Living’ is the thinking man’s band,” he said. “They’re not just about drinking beer.”
The name of the band comes from a piece of literature the band drew inspiration from.
Collura thinks “We the Living” is very different than other bands.
“A lot of bands are too pop,” she said. “We the Living has unique lyrics.”
Jon Wasleske of Windsor Drive thinks people are going to have a great time at the show whether they know his band or not. He does think that people have the most fun at concerts when they have heard the recordings and then are able to see it live though. “We hope to see more people who know words to our songs.”