CVS kicking the habit of cig sales

Other retailers should follow their lead and stop selling tobacco products

Tetzlaff is a sophomore journalism major and staff writer for The Spectator. Tetzlaff can be reached at [email protected] or @ttetz5.

Story by Trent Tetzlaff, Staff Writer

For years and years in society, smoking was a hobby of sorts. During lunch break, between classes, or even with a morning coffee, the average American would enjoy a cigarette.

Now fast forward to 2014. Smoking bans are popping up in cities left and right and smoking is no longer a norm, but rather a nuisance to most. People now know the effects of a cigarette and have responded by breaking the habit.

According to an article in the Los Angeles Times, in 1965 nearly 42 percent of all American adults smoked. Now after years of learning what that cigarette can do to you, only 19 percent of all U.S. adults smoke.

In response to the drop in tobacco sale profits and the changing image of smokers in society, CVS pharmacies decided to remove themselves from the tobacco game and stop selling cigarettes in February.

After CVS did this, 28 attorneys from 24 different states began pushing five retailers, including Walgreens and Wal-Mart, to follow the move by CVS and end sales of tobacco.

Now I know there are those thinking, ‘Why would these multi-million dollar companies do something like this?’ It is because this is the correct decision to make.

With companies highly involved in the pharmaceutical field, community healthcare and wellness means a lot to their reputation. Selling tobacco products in the first place makes no sense for them other than the fact that over the years tobacco sales have brought in steady profits.

As an adult that has never smoked a cigarette in his life, and coming from a family with little history of smokers, I like where this is going.

Tobacco sold at a store whose main purpose is to keep the community healthy makes little sense. If these shops stop selling cigarettes a long list of other retailers could possibly follow.

Public health advocates are hoping the reduction of the number of stores where tobacco products are sold and advertised will help push smoking rates down even further, and I believe these hopes will come true once stores begin to follow the route of CVS.

Sorry to say it smokers, but I think society may be pushing you out the back door to forget about the past. A past that many would like to forget about I’m sure, after nearly 480,000 people are killed every year due to tobacco-related disease.

The dangers of smoking are things I grew up learning and are still taught to children and teens. Whether the dangers are learned in school, online, or by a parent, people are catching on.

CVS has become a major company in the United States over the last few years and has brought a great knowledge of pharmaceuticals and healthcare to communities. The company quickly learned selling a product dangerous to the customer made no sense, and maybe other companies such as Wal-Mart and Walgreens will jump on the bandwagon and run with it.