Science and religion might battle once again as a new bill banning sex-selection abortions is introduced.
On Tuesday the bill was introduced at the state Capitol, along with another bill that would ban human cloning in the state.
The article stated that last year a bill was passed preventing the funding for sex-based abortion. That bill actually saved money, but this new bill will ban the practice altogether, according to the article.
Right now, with the country’s economic deficit, the house market going down and families striving to keep their jobs to provide for their families, these bills should be considered low-priority.
According to the article, both bills are being sponsored by Republicans, and advocates said new technologies are making it possible to determine the sex of a child within weeks of conception.
The bill might seem good on paper, and people may support it, but people also need to know who is going to be affected by these bills.
Members of certain religions, such as Hindus or Muslims, might feel discriminated against because of their religious beliefs. But if this is not the case, and Republicans are doing this because they feel it is necessary, again – now is not the time.
People are trying to think of ways to feed their families, not clone things, and people could still find a way to get that abortion.
With the majority of the seats belonging to the Democrats, the bill might not go very far. However, this is a way for the Republicans to show that they are still there, caring about moral issues.
But is this the kind of bill we need, given the high unemployment rate? Is the time appropriate to present these bills?
Politicians should be using their time more wisely, doing things that would help everyone. Maybe this bill could be introduced in a few years, but right now there are bigger fish to fry.