Wrapping up a series of four visits by candidates for vice chancellor of student affairs and dean of students, Celestino Limas outlined his goals for the position Monday afternoon in Davies Theatre.
Limas had three points of emphasis for the position: to be a champion for students, to advocate for student affairs and to be an ambassador to the local community and beyond.
Limas said he wants to serve as a “translator and interpreter” for students to understand UW-Eau Claire’s young strategic plan.
Limas stressed involvement on the part of students as well as parents, something that is lacking at many universities. He said apathy can be changed, but nihilism could hurt the university.
“We say students . they need to be involved, and everybody can agree with that. But this concept of nihilism, where students (say) ‘what’s the point of coming to this focus group, because the decision has already been made? What’s the point of going to this residence hall meeting because you’re going to fine me anyway?’ That is very dangerous, and if we’re not careful in student affairs, we run the risk of missing the opportunity to prevent apathy from becoming nihilism.”
Limas used an example from his current position as chief of student affairs and dean of students at Carroll College in Waukesha to show how he involves students. Limas picked a student at random every week and went out to lunch or coffee with her/him and listened to that person’s ideas and concerns. He said combining these anecdotal experiences with empirical data will give a university a holistic ideal of student affairs.
“I think it’s about telling students that this is your responsibility to your educational experience,” he said. “But more importantly, this is your chance to actually make a difference and weigh in on the process.”
Limas discussed diversity as well. He said he wants to create homogenous peer groups to discuss difficult topics. He also wants to push for students who have studied abroad to share their culture experiences to others on campus.
Because of his experience working at a private college, Limas said he would push gift development to get money from private donors to help with finances.
Before taking his current position at Carrol College, Limas served as associate dean of student life and director of campus life at the University of Redlands (Calif.) and director of residential life at Vassar College (N.Y.) among other positions.