A nationally recognized doll maker will be coming to UW-Eau Claire in October to share her passion for creating symbolic dolls.
Sandra Self has her dolls exhibited in numerous collections. She, along with Karen Horan, assistant professor of art, will teach a one-credit course called `The Magic of Contemporary Doll making.”
“(Self) is quite fantastic,” Horan said. “The idea is so powerful.”
The course was created for teachers, but is opening up for students to enroll in on Oct. 9.
Students will have the opportunity to learn about the therapeutic, timeless art form of doll making, Horan said.
Students will create dolls with personal symbolism. They will be encouraged to make them tribal, yet refined, Horan said.
“It’s cool that it has spiritual meaning,” junior Amanda Kroll said.
Horan is already applying this new art form in one of her current classes.
She is having her students create a doll for a child in New York that has lived through the tragedy on Sept. 11.
The basis for these dolls have African tribal influences with a feeling of healing, Horan said. They will allow young children to have a means to express their own fears.
Horan came up with this idea by viewing some of Self’s work, and is excited to have her come to UW-Eau Claire.
The Department of Art and Continuing Education are sponsoring the first-time course.
Students interested in the class can sign up with Continuing Education.
The class will meet in Haas Fine Arts Center, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 19; 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 20; and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday Nov. 3.
The cost of the course is $145 for undergraduates, and $250 for one graduate credit. There is a special fee course of $15 for all students.
Students interested in receiving a course syllabus can call UW-Eau Claire Continuing Education at 836-2425.