Society teaches women to prevent rape

Be aware of how you dress. Make sure you don’t seem available. Never walk alone in dark alleys. Oh and make sure you twirl your pinky finger, perfectly manicured with “Undercover Colors,” a nail polish that detects date rape drugs, around in your drink before you take a sip.  

We continue to remind women they are in charge of preventing rape.

Getting ready to go out on a Friday night requires some of the same preparation as going for a run on a Tuesday night. I arm myself with my pepper spray, make sure I look appropriate and remember to let someone know where I am going. The fear of rape is enough to change daily habits and instill paranoia.

Women are taught to fear men hiding in the bushes, and while this is a reality in some cases, it is not the majority. Approximately two out of three rapes are committed by someone the survivor knows, according to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN).

It is time we have a conversation about rape culture. We teach women to not be raped, but forget to teach men that they should not rape, and I believe there is something terribly backward about this.

I know that I don’t want to live in a culture where I have to rely on nail polish to notify me that a date rape drug may have been slipped into my drink when I turned my back to dance with some friends.

Ask people in your life what they do to prevent rape. The answers may surprise you.